Saltcoats War Memorial
In memory of the men of Saltcoats who sacrificed their lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918
AIRD James G, AITKEN John, ALEXANDER Joseph, ALLAN James, ALLAN ??????, ANDERSON Andrew G, ANDERSON John, ANDERSON Thomas A, ARMOUR Andrew B, ARMSTRONG William, ASHTON John, BAILIE Alexander, BANNATYNE John, BARR Hugh, BATTERSBY John, BEVERIDGE John, BLACK David, BLACK Harry, BLAKELY Douglas, BOUSKILL David, BOUSKILL Thomas B, BRADIE John, BRADIE Peter, BRANNAN William, BRECKENRIDGE Adam, BOYD David M, BROPHY John, BROWN Alexander, BROWN John M, BROWN D J Ritchie, BRYANT David, CAIRNS James B, CALDWELL John, CAMERON John, CAMPBELL C Gordon, CAMPBELL William, CAVANI Carlo, CHESTNUT James, CLARK Arthur P, CLARK William P H, COEY John, COLVIN James, CONN George, CONNELL Robert, COOPER Robert, COWAN Alexander, CUNNINGHAME David D, CUTHBERTSON James, DALE Thomas, DAVIDSON Thomas, DEIGNON Ben, DICKSON Robert, DOYLE John, DUFF James G, DUFFY Frank, DUGUID William G, DUNLOP Robert, EWING Douglas, FABIAN George, FLEMING James, FULLARTON William M, GIBSON Daniel M, GIBSON Isaac, GILL John K, GILLIES Robert, GRAHAM William, GRIER Thomas, GRUBB Hugh, HAMILTON David, HAMILTON George B, HAMILTON Robert, HAMILTON William, HARKINS James, HAVLIN James, HEWITT Thomas B, HILL Denis, HILL Stephen B, HOFMEYR Richard, HOWIE William, HUGHEY James, HUNTER James, HUNTER James, IRWIN Thomas V, JOHNSTON Robert L, KEEGANS Robert, KEENAN Robert, KELLY John, KELSO David, KERNAHAN William S, KERR Allan R, KINGSBURY Edward H, KINNIER Douglas R, LAMBIE Daniel, LAUGHLAND J Raymond, LITTLE Alexander W, LITTLE James, LITTLE John, LOCKHART Ritchie B, LONGMUIR Bryce Jr, LUMSDEN Innes, LYNN James, MAJOR John, MAJOR Thomas, MANSON John, MARCHETTI Hulio, MATTHEWS Joseph, MEADOWS C Bentley, MELVILLE John A, MILLER James B S, MILLER James S, MILLER John, MILLER John, MILLER William, MORGAN Thomas, MURCHIE John, MURDOCH James, MURPHY John A, McAULAY James, McCAFFERTY Hugh, McCALLUM David, McCALLUM William H, McCALLUM William T, McCLUGHAM George, McCREADY James M, McDONALD Archie, McDONALD Edward, McEWAN Robert, McFADZEAN John, MACGAVIN Robert C, McKEHAN Waalter R, McKELVIE Archibald, McKENZIE Daniel, McKENZIE Donald, McKENZIE Gilbert, MACKINTOSH Duncan, McKIRDY John, McLAREN Donald, McLELLAN John, McMILLAN Alfred, McMURTRIE James, MACPHERSON Lachlan J, McSKIMMING W.D.M.S., NEIL Robert, NEILL Robert K, NEILL Thomas W R, NOLAN Patrick, ORR Hugh, ORR Rev. James B, ORR James, PATRICK George, PIACENTINI Revento, PONTIFEX John, PROUDFOOT George, RAE Charles, RITCHIE William J, RITCHIE Thomas, ROBERTSON Dan, ROBERTSON James, RUSSELL William, RUSSELL William, SAUNDERS Jesse, SCOBIE Alexander, SCOTT Archibald, SCOTT Richard, SELLARS James, SERVICE Andrew W, SHANNON, Archibald N, SILLARS H F Lionel, SLATER Alexander, SMITH Robert B, SMITH Robert, SMITH William Jr, SPIERS John, STEVENSON Thomas, STEWART John, STIRRAT Alexander A, STIRRAT Quinton S, STRACHAN Andrew, STRACHAN Hugh, STRACHEN James E, TACEY Douglas, TAYLOR Duncan, TURLEY Thomas P, TURNER Dr William, WALKER Robert R, WALLACE Hugh B, WALLACE James, WALLACE,William J, WARDS William, WATT James D, WATT William, WATTS George, WILKIE William K, WRIGHT William, WYLIE Alexander, WYLIE William, YUILLE William.