Monumental Inscriptions High Kirk Stevenston
Afflect Aird Aiton Alexander Alexander1 Allan Allan1 Allan2 Allen Allison Allison1 Anderson Anderson1 Anderson2 Arnot Auld Auld1 Auld2 Auld3 Auld4 Babbington Baillie Baillie1 Baillie2 Baillie3 Baird Baird Ballantine Ballantyne Banks Banks1 Banks2 Banks3 Banks4 Banks5 Banks6 Banks7 Banks8 Banks9 Barbar Barclay Barclay2 Barclay3 Barclay4 Barclay5 Barr Blair Blair1 Blair2 Blythe Bowie Boyd Boyd1 Boyd2 Boyd3 Boyd5 Boyd6 Boyd7 Boyd8 Boyd9 Boyd10 Boyd11 Boyd12 Boyd13 Boyle Brackenridge Brodie Broun Broun1 Broun2 Brown Brown1 Brown2 Brown3 Brown4 Brown5 Brown6 Brown7 Brown8 Brown9 Brown10 Brown11 Brown12 Brown13 Brown14 Brown14a Brown15 Brown16 Brown17 Brown18 Brown19 Brunton Burnett Burnett1 Burnett2 Burns Burns1 Burns2 Burns3 Burns4 Calwell Campbell Campbell1 Campbell2 Campbell3 Campbell4 Campbell5 Campbell6 Campbell7 Campbell8 Campbell9 Cargan Chalmers Chalmers1 Chalmers2 Clasper Clasper1 Colquhoun Conn Conn1 Connelly Cowan Cowan1 Cowan2 Cowan3 Craig Crawford Crawford1 Crawford2 Crawford3 Crawford4 Crawford5 Crawford6 Crawford7 Croker Croker Cruickshank Cruikshanks Cunningham Cunningham1 Cunninghame Cunninghame1 Cunninghame2 Curdie Currie Davidson Deans Dick Dick1 Dickie Dickie1 Dickie2 Dickie3 Dickie4 Doherty Donald Dow Duncan Duncan1 Duncan2 Duncan3 Dunlop Dunlop1 Dunlop2 Dunlop3 Dyet Erskine Erskine1 Ewing Ferguson Findlay Fleck Fleming Forber-Robertson Forrest Forrest1 Fraser Frazer Frazer1 Frew Frew1 Frew2 Frew3 Fullarton Fullarton1 Fullarton2 Fullarton3 Fullarton4 Fullerton Fullerton1 Fullerton2 Fullerton3 Fullerton4 Fulton Fulton1 Galt Galt1 Geddes Gemmell Gibson Gibson1 Gibson2 Gillies Gilmour Gilmour1 Glen Glen1 Glen2 Glen3 Glen4 Goldie Goldie1 Gordon Gordon1 Gowan Gray Gray1 Gray2 Gray3 Gray4 Gray5 Gray6 Greenhead Guthrie Hamilton Hamilton1 Hamilton2 Hamilton3 Hamilton4 Hamilton5 Hamilton6 Hardie Harvie Harvie1 Harvey Harvey1 Hay Hendry Hendry1 Hogarth Hogarth1 Hogarth2 Hunter Hunter1 Hunter2 Hunter3 Hunter4 Hunter5 Holmes Hopkin Howe Howie Howie1 Howie2 Howie3 Howie4 Howie5 Jack James James2 James3 Jamieson Jeffrey Jeffery Johnston Kelly Kelly1 Kelso Kelso1 Kelso2 Kelso3 Kennedy Kerr Kerr1 Kilpatrick Kilpatrick1 Kilpatrick2 Kilpatrick3 Kilpatrick4 Kilpatrick5 Kilpatrick6 Kinnier Kinnier1 King King1 King2 Kingston Kingston1 Kinnick Kirkpatrick Kirkwood Kirkwood1 Kyd Kyd1 Lambie Latta Lawrie Lawson Levie Lockhart Lockhart1 Lockhart2 Lockhart3 Lockhart4 Logan Logan1 Love Love1 Love2 Love3 Love4 Love5 Love6 Lusk MacKenzie Mackie Marshall Marshall1 Marshall2 Martin Mason McAllister McBride McConochy McCreadie McCowen McCrone McDonald McGaw McGill McGill1 McGraw McKellar McKean McKean1 Mckean McKechney McKillop McKillop1 McLellan McLellan1 McLellan2 McMillan McMillan1 McNaught McNaught1 McNaught2 McNeil Millar Miller Miller1 Miller2 Miller3 Miller4 Miller5 Milne Milne1 Montgomerie Montgomery Montgomery1 Moore Morrison Muir Muir1 Munro Monro1 Munro2 Murchland Murchland1 Murdoch Murphy Murray Niven Nivin Orr Park Park1 Park2 Paterson Paton Paton1 Pennell Pennell1 Pennell2 Pennell3 Pennell4 Porter Punton Purdie Purdie1 Rankine Reid Reid1 Reid2 Reid3 Reid4 Reid5 Reid6 Reid7 Reid8 Reid9 Reside Reside1 Reside2 Ritchie Ritchie1 Ritchie2 Ritchie3 Ritchie4 Ritchie5 Roberts Robertson Robertson1 Robertson2 Robertson3 Robertson4 Robertson5 Robieson Ross Ross1 Roxburgh Russel Russell Russell1 Skade Scott Scott1 Scott2 Scott3 Scott4 Scott5 Scott6 Scott7 Scott8 Service Service1 Service2 Service3 Service4 Service5 Service6 Service7 Service8 Shank Sharp Shaw Shaw1 Shearer Shearer1 Sim Simon Sinclair Skeoch Skeoch1 Small Small1 Smith Smith1 Smith2 Smith3 Smith4 Smith5 Smith6 Smith7 Smith8 Smith9 Smith10 Snodgras Spier Spiers Stalker Stevenson Stevenson1 Stewart Stewart1 Stewart2 Stirrat Striven Tait Tassie Taylor Taylor1 Thom Thom1 Thom2 Thom3 Thomson Thomson1 Thomson2 Thomson3 Thomson4 Vallance Vanburgh Walker Ward Warner Watt White White1 Whiteford Wilson Wilson1 Wilson2 Wilson3 Wilson4 Wilson5 Wilson6 Wilson7 Wilson8 Wilson9 Wilson10 Wilson11 Wilson12 Wilson13 Wilson14 Wilson15 Wilson16 Wilson17 Wilson18 Wilson19 Wilson20 Wodrow Woodside Woodside1 Woodside2 Woodside3 Wyllie Wyllie1 Young Young1 Young2 Young3 Young4 Young5 Young6 Young7
A2 Erected by James Boyd in memory of his wife Mary May Pennell d. 9 May 1835 age 31 years and 10 mths. Also their son John d. 25 March 1832 age 3 mths. And 16 days also his daughter Mary d. 18 Nov. 1850 age 6.1/2 also his wife Mary Woodside d. 17 March 1886 in her 80th year. The above James Boyd d. 14 June 1891 in his 85th year also their daughter Marion Boyd who died at Lowell Mass. U.S.A. 5 July 1895 in her 40th year.
A3 (this could not be read and the inscription is according to Miss B. Reid) Erected by John Brunton in memory of his wife Elizabeth Hol…. Who d. 5 Nov. 1836 age 30 years. The above John Brunton departed this life 29 March 1856 in…of his age. Also their son John Brunton d. 11 June 1891 aged…y.
A11 Erected by Magt. Reid in memory of her husband Robert Holmes d. 10 November 1833 in the 39th year of his life also their son Robert d. 15 Aug 1827 age 11 mths. The above Mary Reid d. 23 Feb. 1843 in the 48th year of her age.
A17 (inscription according to Miss Reid) Erected by Elizabeth …….in memory of her husband John Niven engineer at Stevenston Colliery for the period of 40 years who died 19 March 1851 aged 64 and of their sons James and John who died in infancy and their daughter Mary died in infancy.
A19 Erected by John Frew in memory of his spouse Janet Vallance who died 11 Dec 1851 age 25 the above John Frew who died at Ardeer Lodge 10 July 1898 age 74 also Margaret Gibson wife of above John Frew died at Ardeer Lodge 25 Nov. 1901 age 82 years.
A21 (inscription as per Miss Reid) Erected by Ann Howie Frew in loving memory of her husband Thomas Burnett Thomson d. 30 July 1877 age 33 Agnes W.S….. granddaughter of above d. 24 July 1901 age 9 mths. The above Ann Howie Frew Thomson d. 1 March 1931 in her….year.
A22 Violet Robertson
A23 J. Clasper 1834
A28 (inscription as per Miss Reid) This stone is erected by Jean Gray in memory of … Skeoch her husband who died 22 May 1770 age 3.. also their children George d. 1 March 1766 age 7 mths. And Janet d. 29 October 1768 age 1.1/2 Jean Skeoch d. 29 Dec 1798 age 39. the above Jean Gray d. March 1820 age 89 years.
A30 Samual Alexander………wife Mary Howie d. 22//1/1883 age 39 his grandfather Samual Alexander d. 1875 age 90 and grandmother Margaret Park d. 1877 age 88. Above Samuel d. 19/7/1913 age 69 his wife Janet Love d. 1932 Jan. age 84.
A35 James Ritchie d. 19 March 1793 age 67 Sussanah Niven his spouse d. 22 March 1808 age 83 and also James Ritchie their son d. 11 May 1817 age 64 also Margaret Brown his wife d. 31 Jan 1837 age 82 also their son James d. 13 March 1850 age 63 also Jean Barclay his wife d. 16 May 1876 age 89.
A36A Erected by William Lockhart in memory of Lillias Lockhart d, 7/1/1849 age 9 also his son Dr William Lockhart RN doctor at Queenstown Cork d. 17/1/1867 age 30 years. His son James Lockhart writer in Glasgow d. 2/6/1878 age 46 the above William Lockhart d. at Welltree Lodge Kilwinning 14/1/1853 age 79.
A36B In memory of James Lockhart merchant in Stevenston who d. 6/11/1835 age 67 years, his wife Margaret Ritchie d. 4/3/1824 age 50 their son Ritchie d. 20/7/1824 age 13 years also their son John merchant Stevenston d. 26 April 1856 age 56.
A36C Son John Lockhart d. Saltcoats 11 April 1916 age 83 Hugh Lockhart solicitor Supreme Courts, Edinburgh son of William Lockhart Welltree Lodge d. at Edinburgh 15/12/1920 age 75 also Margaret Ritchie Lockhart daughter of William Lockhart d. at Edinburgh 15 April 1928 age 80.
A37 Erected by John Paton in memory of his mother Jane Howie Paton d. 8/8/1866 age 42 also his father….Millar Paton d. 17/11/1870 age 65 years also his daughter Jessie d. 9/1/1898 age 10 years his sister Elizabeth Paton d. 29/2/1908 age 56 years.
A38 Erected by David Kelso in memory of his wife Elizabeth Thom d. 15 Aug 1885 age 63 and their children Susan, John, Susan and William who died in infancy. The said David Kelso d. 14 March 1886 age 66.
A40 Erected by Agnes Woodside in memory of her father Robert Woodside d. 16 June 1834 aged 71 years and her mother Mary Robieson who died 18 June 1847 aged 76 years also her brother Robert who died 18 May 1845, aged 33 years and her sister Janet who died 19 Dec 1854 aged 62 years also three of her brothers who died in infancy the above Agnes Woodside died 20 July 1879 aged 71 years.
A40B Robert Woodside in memory of his father Robert Woodside weaver d. 15 July 1891 aged 47 years his mother Grace Howie d. 30 August 1905 aged 58.
A41 To the memory of Sarah Roxburgh Nivin d. 21 Nov 1832 aged 67 and Thomas Roxburgh her brother d. 20/1/1847 aged 78. erected by Sarah P Campbell 1848.
A45 Erected by Hugh and James Goldie in loving memory of their father James Goldie d. Jan 1866 aged 63 years also their mother Catherine d. aged 64 years also their sisters Elizabeth d. Aug 1885 aged 24 years Ann d. Aug 1887 aged 21 years Maggie d. Nov. 18-8 aged 16 years also brother Alexander d. July 1st 1891 aged 17 years.
A46 Erected by Jean Kilpatrick in memory of her Aunt Janet Pennell d. 9/11/1878 age 67
A49 In memory of Isabella Dunlop wife of Hugh Baillie late harbourmaster Saltcoats d. 17 Sept 1852 aged ..? years the above Hugh Baillie d. 31 October 1854 aged 68 their daughter Elizabeth Baillie d. in infancy Jane Auld Baillie d. 25 Feb 1883 aged 49. (Isabella age is either 54 or 64)
A50 Erected by Jean Auld in memory of Hugh Baillie her husband d. July 8 1801 aged 54 also James Baillie shipmaster in Saltcoats d. Feb 8 1809 age 57 also Jean Auld spouse to Hugh Baillie
A51 The burial place of John Roxburgh……..Saltcoats wh….1814 his wife An….1784 his son Dan….1795 his son Al…1796 his son…d…his son ..d.1825..his..1829
A52 This stone is erected by Alia..Harvie merchant in ….memory of lane…spouse d. Oct 27 1764 aged 30 years. The above Allen Harvie d. Feb 4 1804 age 62 years and Jane Curdie his second wife d. April 24 1851 aged 86 also Janet Hamilton daughter of Peter Hamilton carpenter d. April 18 1826 aged 22 years.
A53 Erected by John Stewart Greenhead in memory of his son John d. 12 June 1850 aged 4 y and 8 months his grandson John Stewart d. 2 July 1868 aged 3 y and 2 months.
A54A The burial ground of William Cowan seaman, Saltcoats. The above William Cowan was lost at sea Feb 1861 in the 47th year of his age. His son William d. 21 June 1876 aged 28 years also his son d in infancy.
A54B Here are interred the corps of Robert Wilson late Shipmaster in Saltcoats d. 20 March 1799 aged 76 years and Janet Thomson his wife d. Jan 7th 1801 aged 79 years. William Wilson their eldest son who was lost at sea also Robert Wilson their 4th son d. March 28 1799 aged 44 years and Marion Wilson their daughter d. Feb 9th 1829 aged 75 years.
A55A Here lys the corps of Mattheu Broun weaver in Stevenston who died Jan 13 1760 age 70 years also his spouse Margaret Boyd d. Oct 1744 age 46 years also Margaret Broun spouse of Mattheu Brown Merchant in Stevenston d. Jan…age 71 years also the above Matheu Broun merchant in Stevenston d. April 29 1808 age 73 years also Robert Brown d. 21 Dec 1832 age 23 years.
A55B Hugh Brown son to Matheu Broun Jnr. Died July 15 1814 age 5 years 3 month. The burial ground of Mathew Brown his son Mathew d. 10 May 1840 age 27 years his daughter Margaret d. 22 October 1840 age 36 his son-in-law Hugh Blair d. 10 July 1850 age 48y. Also his spouse Susan Ritchie d. 10 October 1857 age 78 years. The above Mathew Brown d. 7 May 1852 age 78 His youngest son Ritchie shipmaster d. at Havana 3 Jan 1863 age 45 years.
A56 Hugh Brown Stevenston in memory of his daughter Ann who d. 29 November 1856 age 5 years and 6 m. his daughter Janet d. 12 Dec 1846 age 2 y and 5 m. also his daughter Susan d. infancy. The above Hugh Brown d. 21 Dec 1867 age 56 years also Janet Forrest wife of the above Hugh Brown d. Braehead House, Saltcoats 29 July 1904 age 83 years also his eldest son Mathew d. at Yokohama, Japan 16 March 1907 age 58 years also his youngest son Hugh d. at Glasgow 4 November 1907 age 47 years.
A57A Mary King daughter to William King d. July 1797 age 4 years William King d…187.. age 81 years also Margaret King wife of Hugh Smith d. Aug 1831 age 31 years. top
A58 Erected by John Smith farmer in memory of his son James d. in 1845 age 2 years and 4 months and Alex. D. 1850 age 4 months. Elizabeth Howie his wife d. 31 Jan 1859 age 48 the above John Smith d. 25 Nov. 1905 age 88 their daughter Elizabeth d. 12 July 1913 age 60. Janet Crawford Smith younger daughter of the said John Smith b. 10 July 1855 d. 1 Nov. 1918.
A59A ………Wilson…..Robert Wilson of the above d. 16 August 1856 age 85 years. Agnes Wilson d. 7 Feb 1884 age 74 Robert Service Wilson d. at Coonabarabrin N.S. Wales 14 Feb 1887 age 73. Elizabeth Wilson d. 16 July 1887 age 81.
A59B The before named Robert Wilson d July 26 1826 in the 73rd year of his age. This is the burial place of Robert Wilson Shipmaster in Saltcoats Mary Wilson his daughter d. 2 Jan 1798 also Jean Kinnick his spouse d. Nov. 30 1803 age 47 years. Robert Wilson his son d. 20 April 1802 age 2 years 10 m. and 19 days.
A61 In memory of Thomas Shaw Saltcoats who died 2 April 1871 age 76 and Mary Ann his wife d. 13 Dec 1874 age 72 also their children Thomas, Robert and Elizabeth Jane who died in infancy. Robert Crawford died in Hong Kong 1 June 1876 age 32 years Captain Thomas Shaw died at Chefoo China 9 August 1895.
A62 Erected to the memory of Duncan Fullerton, coppersmith Saltcoats who died 22 March 1871 age 87 for upward of 40 years a much esteemed..a faithful elder in the parish Church here and in the Free Church at Saltcoats.
A62B Mary Simon his wife d. July 1869 Mary Fullerton his sister died Oct 1860 John Fullerton his nephew died March 1869.
A65 Erected by James Craig, shipmaster, Saltcoats in memory of Charlotte Banks his spouse, who died 29 May 1844 aged 28 years also his son James Craig, aged 15 months also his son John Dunlop Craig, who died 22nd April, 1845 aged 4 years also his daughter Isabella Auld Craig, who died 16th March 1863 aged 3 years and 3 months and his parents, Peter Craig, shipmaster died 1820 and his wife Margaret Dunlop died 20 Nov 1869 aged 77 years.
A67 Erected by John Dunlop shipmaster in Saltcoats in memory of his two children who died in infancy also his son Hugh Dunlop who died the Sept 1870, age 27 also his son John Dunlop shipmaster who died in Berdic October 22 1833 age 38 years the above John Dunlop died 30 May 1836 age 72 years. Isabell Auld spouse to the above John Dunlop died 29 March 1847 age 83 also Elizabeth Dunlop daughter of John Dunlop died 16th March…
A69 This stone is erected in memory of Alexander Crawford Merchant in Stivens.. who died April 24th 1765 age –0 and Margaret Gowan his spouse who died 17th ..1765 aged 3- Mar, John, Alexr and their children who all died in infancy. Also their daughter Mar.. who died March 25th 1766 How vain are all our earthly joys stop passengers and drop a tear a father, mother and two boys within six months interrd ly here presume not then that wealth or strength will save thee from the fatal hour for thou like these must yield at length to death’s unconquerable power. Also to the memory of their son James Crawford of Birhead who died the 4th September 1837 aged 83 years John Montgomery who died 1796 aged 80 years Jean Cowan his wife who died 1810 aged 86 years Margaret Montgomery wife of Allan Gibson who died 1814 aged 49 years the said Allan Gibson who died 1842 aged 70 years Margaret McGaw wife of Robert Baillie Gibson who died 7th June 1886 aged 67 years the above Robert Baillie Gibson who died January 14th 1887 aged 76 years also John Gibson, Ironmongers, Stevenston son of the said Robert B. Gibson who died 1st Dec. 1889 aged 37.
A70 Erected by John Gray farmer, Ardeer Mains in memory of his son Adam Wilson who died on the 10th day of June 1837 aged 4 years Francis Russel Gray his son who died Nov 10 1869 aged 2 years and 5 months Mary Gray his daughter who died Nov 21 1869 aged 6 years and 7 months his son Francis who died 8th Jan 1902 aged 29 years the above John Gray died 5th July 1906 aged 84 years his wife Agnes Wilson died 22nd July 1906 aged 75 years their son David Gillies Gray died at Sydney N.S.W. May 23 1915 aged 36 years their son Adam Wilson Gray died at Durban SA March 6 1930 aged 64 years.
A71 Erected by Adam Wilson farmer Broom Stevenston in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Love who d. 28/1/1891 age 84 also their daughter Jean d. 6/4/1831 age 14 mths. The aforesaid Adam Wilson d. 25/1/1892 in the 92st year of his age.
A72 David Frew of Ardeer Ironworks d. June 1901 age 80, Mary Love d. Jan 1910 age 85, son William d. Sept. 1855 age 4, John d. Aug 1899 age 50 inter. Old Monkland Cemetery.
A73 This is the burial place of James Boyd shoemaker in Sivenstoun d. March 6th 1777.
A74 Erected by Hugh Boyd 1869 the above Hugh Boyd died Saltcoats 21 October 1883 age 79.(no trace on the top part of the stone)
A75A To the memory of Robert Duncan merchant Saltcoats who died June 18 1824 in the 49th year of his age. Here is also interred three of his children Jane d. July 16 1810 age 4 years James d. Sept 20 1818 age 15 years Mary d. Jan. 19 1819 age 1 year and Alex. Who died Oct. 5th 1835 age 19 years. The above inscription by Mary Kinnier his widow as the last respect of duty to her husband and children. The above Mary Kinnier d. Jan 31 1836 age 56.
A75B Here is also interred Jean Duncan his daughter who died 5 May 1837 age 25 years also Janet who d. 29 November 1844 age 30 years also Mary who died 11 July 1848 age 29 years.
A77 Erected by Janet Hamilton the above died Dec 18 1872 age 86 years also her daughter Agnes Brown died 20 September 1880 age 72 years.
A78 Erected by Alex. Brodie ship carpenter in Saltcoats in memory of his child….EXR Brodie who…. (stone is sunken) top
A79 Erected by John Blair weaver Stevenstoun in memory of his son William who died Aug 17th 1808 age 8 years and 6 months also Elizabeth who died July 29 1812 age 14 months a second Elizabeth died Dec 10th 1818 age 4 years.
A80 Erected by Agnes Ritchie in memory of her husband John Ward who died 6th Aug 1884.
A81 This is the burial place of ….ert Brown who d…18..iun the 83 year of his age and the 59th of his…as Schoolmaster in Stevenstoun and his…er Elizabeth Brown who died 16 April 1865 age 90 years. top
A82 Erected by James Orr, Schoolmaster of Stevenston to the memory of his son James Allan who died 1 June 1848 in the 3rd year of his age. The above James Orr died 9 November 1865 age 66 years also his spouse Mary Allan born in Stevenston d. 20 April 1899 in her 89th year.
A83A This stone is erected by Robert Rankine Coal Grieve in Saltcoats in memory of Mary Smith his spouse who died July…….76.. aged …years…ER.. ..E…ed his spouse Ketren Brown who died Aug. 12th 1793 aged 36 years
(Inscription according to previous recording by Miss Reid : This stone is erected by Robert Rankine coal grieve in Saltcoats in memory of Mary Smith his spouse who died July 1768 aged 32 years Robert Rankine departed this life on the 18 of April 178.. aged 69 years also his late spouse Ketrten Brown who died Aug 12th 1793 aged 36 years)
A83B This is the burying place of Alexander Small shipmaster Saltcoats in memory of his John Small who died the October 18.. aged…Margar….who died the 7th December 180.. aged.. Elizabeth Jean../Small died 13 July 1…aged .7 years Here is….died 19th October 18.. aged 72 years.
(Inscription according to previous recording by Miss Reid: This is the burying place of Alex. Small shipmaster Saltcoats in memory of his father John Small who died the 25th October 18… aged 85 years Margaret his spouse who died the 7th December 180.. aged .. years. Elizabeth Jean spouse to Alexander Small died 13th July 1… aged .7 years Here is…died 19th Oct. 18.. aged 72 years)
A84 Robert Gilmour Jnr. In memory of his children Janet died…1860 aged 10 years Mary died….5 aged 9 years ..months….ear Mary Purdie died…in infancy also his grandson Richard died 14th June 1885 aged 1 year also Agnes died 19th March aged 15 moths also his wife Janet Glen died 18th April 1890 aged 62 years.
A84B Erected by R.H. Gilmour in memory of his father Hugh Gilmour Musician, Stevenston though blind from infancy a singular gifted…. Died 28th April 1822 aged 64 and his daughter Grace aged 3 years also his wife Mary Purdie who died 12 Dec 1837 the above Robert H. Gilmour died 3rd January 1865 aged 69 years his son R.A. Oswald died 7 July 1873 aged 39 years.
A86 To the memory of Hugh Watt late merchant, Saltcoats who died 11th April 1835 aged 78 and his wife Jane Stevenson who died 23 Feb. 1839 aged 78 also of their son William who died 5th May 1858 aged 41 as also of their son John who died 9th July 1`816 aged 15.
A87 Erected by Janet Harvey in memory of her husband James Boyd who died 30 Oct 1860 aged 56 years, their children viz, Thomas died 6th May 1870, aged 25 years. Jane, Robert, James and Marion died in infancy the said Janet Harvey born 11 Oct. 1812 died 3rd Feb. 1895.
A89 Erected by Ann Sharp, wife of William Young in memory of her brother Dr William Sharp, who died 27th April 1852 in the 22nd year of his age. Also Ann Sharp Young daughter of William Young who died 26 June 1865 aged one year and three months. Also my son Robert Sharp Young farmer who lost his life by accident at Dunedin New Zealand on the 26th Nov. 1874 aged 35 years. The above William Young died 25th February 1879 aged 72 years the above Ann Sharp relect of William Young died 25th May 1891 aged 72 years also their son Robertson Young who died 27th March 1909 aged 67 years.
A90 I will give thee a crown of life. In memory of James Young who died 1834 aged 44 years his wife Janet Ritchie died 1859 aged 67 years of their family William Brown Ritchie died 1819 aged 1 year, William died 1825 aged 1 year James died 1833 aged 20 years, John died 1838 aged 27 years Margaret died 1849 aged 40 years Jane died 1858 aged 26 years Elizabeth died 1879 aged 64 years William died 1882 aged 54 years.
A91 Renewed …by Hugh Young 1900 Here lie the remains of Margaret Chalmers, wife of Hugh Young late farmer Middle Pairt who departed this life 22nd Dec. 1838 aged 71 years. The above Hugh Young farmer died 22nd Jan. 1844 aged 76 years also his son John Young died at Bargosh, Dalry 29th Sept. 1878 aged 85 years and his wife Margaret Hopkin died at Nether Meadow 15th Sept. 1887 aged 85 years, John Young grandson and great grandson of the above who died 20th Jan 1873 aged 5 years and 3 months.
A93 Erected by Hugh Smith Stevenston Mill in memory of his son James who died 19th Aug 1864 aged 8 years and Agnes Young his wife who died 6th July 1866 aged 37 years also Cecilia Thomson his wife who died 11 Sept 1887 aged 53 years the above Hugh Smith died 7th July 1907 aged 73 years.
A94 By Peter Lawson in memory of his father Peter Lawson who died …March 18.. aged 65 years also his brother Alexander who died Dec 1808 aged…years alsoi his sister Elizabeth who died Dec 16tgh aged 12 years also his son James who died March also his mother Ceclia who died…aged.
A97 Underneath are interred the remains of David Cunninghame late farmer in Broom who died Jan 13th 1822 aged 68 years also his son James who died on the 11th of the same month aged 17 years also his son William who died March 13th 1795 aged 3 years the above is inscribed by his mournful widow Elizabeth Afflect in affectionate rememberance of her beloved husband and children the above Elizabeth Afflect died 29th July 1852 aged 94 years. Janet younger daughter of the above spouse who died 31st Dec. 1878 aged 83 years is also buried here. This memorial was renewed by grateful descendants Nov 1902.
A100 Wil Boyd in…..his father….art Boyd who d… Jun…….Jeanie Love widow of above James Lockhart Boyd d. 1/4/1893 age 74.
A101 A stone was placed here by Hugh Boyd at the Bridgeend of Stevenston in the year 1676 repaired by Hugh Boyd Farmer in Corsenkell in the year 1827 and replaced by Professor John Boyd Solicitor in Glasgow in the year 1957.
A102 Erected by John Boyd Spirit Merchant in Stevenston in memory of his wife Ann Smith who died 24 September 18.. age 55 years the above John Boyd died in of May 1866 in …72nd year of his top
A103 Sacred to the memory of William L. Sinclair who died 9 April 1886 in his 70th year his daughter Isabella died 9 Dec. 1864 age 20 years, Helen d. 28 June 1884 age 37 years. Mary Jane died 1 June 1898 age 38, his wife Jane MacKenzie died 13 November 1905 age 85 also his son John Surgeon died 19 September 1907 age 55 years and his eldest daughter Ann died 25 Jan 1908 age 63 years
A104 In memory of John Scott died 1890 and his wife Susan died 1862 their children Andrew died 1885 Robert died 1901 Mary died 1907 Ann Boyle died 1918 erected by desire of Ann Boyle Scott.
A105 …../……/./BOYL../..winning… 13th July 1874 in…35 year of her age and his son Andrew Scott who died 8th May 1885 the above said John Scott late Port-Master Stevenston died 29th Jan 1890 in the 88th year of his age.
A106 Erected by Martha Young Deans in loving memory of her father James Young mason who died 17th Nov 1887 aged 90 years and her mother Grace Campbell who died 20 Jan 1869 aged 64 years also their children John died 15 Feb 1826 , Robertson died 14th April 1836 Martha died 11th Oct 1838 Edward lost his life by accident 9 Feb 1854 aged 21 years Catherine died 21 May 1866 aged 21 years Margaret died 10 th Oct 1881 aged 23 years also of her husband Alexander Deans who died 27th May 1891 aged 55 years and her sister Helen who died 5th July 1912 aged 70 years the above Martha Young Deans died 15th April 1924 aged 84 years.
A107 To the memory of Robertson Young who lost his life 24th May 1833 aged 21 years.
A108 Erected by Mary R Galt in loving memory of her sister Grace Kerelaw Campbell Galt late teacher Stevenston Public School who died 26 May 1892 age 27 also her mother Catherine Anderson Robertson Young who died 26 May 1867 age 21 years and her father John Galt died 14 Feb 1869 age 28 years. The above Mary R. Galt died 13 June 1900 age 31 years.
A100B Renovated by the brethren of L.. Thistle & Rose No. 169 as a tribute to the memory of Francis Love who was a member of the Lodge for 59 years and also an Honory member of Mother Kilwinning Lodge the simplicity of his d.. and the recl..tude of his life earned him the esteeme of the community and the affection of the fraternity to which he belonged.
A111 In memory of Robert Hogarth, painter Ardrossan formerly of Millhill, Stevenston who died 21 Sept. 1871 in his 80th year and his wife Ann Barclay died 11 Dec 1873 in her 79th year.
A111B Findlay their son Born 22 Feb. 1837 died 26 June 1880 Ann Barclay their daughter born 11 April 1829 died 18 Sept. 1907 Robert their son born 13 March 1825 died 15 June 1873.
A111C James Hogarth 3rd son born 9 July 1834 died 6 Dec 1917
A111D Their son Hugh born 11 August 1840 died 24 April 1904 John their son born 18 Jan 1822 died 29 May 1898.
A112 This is the burial place of Robert Findlay Taylor in Stevenston d. Dec 7th 1787
A113 Sacred to the son of UGH Allison New Orleans d. there 1872 aged .. Feb 1881 aged… daughter Mary wife of …Hogarth Merchant, Ardrossan.
A115 Inscribed by John Barclay in memory of his sister Ann Barclay widow of Daniel Wilson she died 28 March 1828 aged 81 years.
B4 In memory of William Currie clerk to the Stevenston Colliery and his wife Janet Clerk she died 25 Dec 1824 age 55 years he died 30 November 1842 age 78 years also 9 of their children.
B5 Erected by John… in…ouse age 44 years also their children Margaret Campbell, Margaret and Thomas who all died in infancy also the above John Ballantine died 18 May 1859 age 80 years.
B6 .. humblestone records of Ellen Martin who departed this life on …Aug 1842 she was the spouse..Hugh..of son …Colliery Col.. erected by her devoted…Major A… late of
B7 Erected by Ann McKellar in memory of her husband John Wyllie who died 2 Feb 1868 age 66 years the above Ann McKellar who died 11 Dec 1874 age 74 years.
B9 Erected to the memory of Jean Punton who died 27 April 1841 also William Punton Merchant, Habor Grace, Newfoundland died 15 March 1845 James Punton died on the 2 May 1860 Ann Punton died at Ardrossan 19 April 1869 age 76.
B11 Erected by John Alexander in memory of his children Janet d. 1849 age 2, Helen d. 1855 age 3, Jane d. 8 Jan 1880 age 20 the said John Alexander d. 24 October 1896 age 72. Jean Pennell wife of the above d. 1 Feb 1902 age 76 his daughter Janet d. July 1897 age 46.
B13 Erected by William Bowie and his wife Mary Kelso in memory of their children Ann, and Crawford who died in infancy 1849.
B14 Erected by James Kelso…of his sp… 33 and his children John John, William James, James and //Mary who all died in infancy also his son F..who lost his life by a fall down a coatpit Nov 3 1827 age 17 years and 5 months. The above James Kelso died 20 October 1842 age 54 years.
B15 Here lys the corpse of ..trick Broun Indweller in…ltcoats who died Jan 7 5th 1754 age 66 years and his…..child J..Charles Broun and Graham James Broun
B16 L…T… the above James McNaught died Dec 12 1816 age 71 years.
B17 Erected by Margaret Kilpatrick in memory of her husband Peter Wilson who lost his life by accident 6/9/1834 age 36 a.c.u.s. also 3 sons named Adam all died in infancy.
B18 Erected by Hugh and Janet Kilpatrick in memory of his mother Agnes McLellan Kilpatrick d. 30/9/1884 age 83 his father Robert Kilpatrick d. 14/3/1848 age 47 also his wife Mary Woodside d. 22/11/1870 age 32 his sister Janet d. 10/1/1873 age 40 his sister Lilias d. 13/7/1831 age 35 The above Hugh Kilpatrick d. 9/3/1913 in his 75th year. The above Janet Spiers Young d. 28/12/1926 age 82 daughter Agnes McLellan d. 7/2/1952 age 72.
B19 Erected by William Lambie in memory of his son William who died September 16 1818
B20 Inscribed by J. Murdoch Miller in memory of her father George Miller Saltcoats who died 30 September 1800 age 71 years also her husband John McKillop Shipmaster, Saltcoats who was lost off Lisbon in Nov. 1813 age 32 years also her son John who died 1812 in infancy also her daughter Janet d. 19 September 1821 age 11 years and her son John McK. Surgeon, Saltcoats who died 7 April 1819 age 36 years and his daughter Martha died 24 July 1819 in infancy.
B24A This stone is erected by Robert McKillop sailer in Saltcoats in memory of his father in law Robert Lusk who died Dec 13th 1785 age 65 years also his son James Lusk who died July 22 1797 aged 37 years also Margaret Thomson spouse to Robert Lusk died October 18th 1809 aged 85 years Also Marion McKillop daughter to the above Robert McKillop who died Sept 11th 1800 aged 2 months Robert McKillop his son died Aug 17th 1805 aged 3 months. And Euphan McKillop his daughter died Dec 22 1800 aged 12 years
B25A Renewed by John Gray, shoemaker 1900 this stone was erected by John Dyet in memory of his father Robert Dyet Braizer in Stevenstoun who died April 22nd 1742 aged 67 years also said John died Dec 26th 1772 aged 51 years his son John died Feb 25th 1770 aged 3 years. In memory of Thomas Dyet Gray, shoemaker who died Oct 7th 1878 aged 44 years Also Donald Gray son of the above John Gray who died in infancy.
B26 Erected by Robert Cowan in memory of his son William Paton Cowan who died 23rd Sep, 1877 aged 21.1/2 years also six of his children who died in infancy the above said Robert Cowan died 1st March 1896 aged 76 years Also his son Robert Cowan who died at Newport 27th Feb 1894 aged 40 years and Janet Paton relict of first said Robert Cowan who died 22nd May 1899 aged 75 years.
B27 The memory of Peter Snodgras who died at Saltcoats May 10th 1792 aged 89 years and of his children John who died Sept 23 1788 aged 1 year..months Peter Shipmaster in Saltcoats who died March 17th 1816 aged 30 years and Mary who died March…1817 aged 26 years also Isabel Skeoch, relict of the above …Snodgrass died 10th May 1836 aged 80 years.
C2 Erected by Peter Guthrie and Moreen Scott in memory of their son William died 1st March 1844 age 2 years and 7 months. also their two children Mary and Agnes who died in infancy. Also daughter Marion who died 30 March 1863 age 6 years also son Archibald Scott died 6 Dec 1869 age 8 years.
C6 In loving memory of William Scott died Sept 22 1882 age 51 years also his wife Mary Wilson died July 16 1814 age ..8 years their daughters Martha Mary Janet and Maggie who died in ……….Alex and Janet who died in infancy.
C7 Erected by Elizabeth Kirkwood in loving remembrance of her husband Adam Scott died 20 Feb 1884 age 47 years also their family Jane died 12 Aug 1866 age 5 years Archibald and James died 1873 in infancy, Adam died 7 October 1885 age 21. The above said Elizabeth Kirkwood died 28 August 1892 age 52 years, James died 12 Dec 1894 age 18 years. John Davidson Scott died 10 September 1899 age 26 years.
C9 Erected by James Fleming….1859..1860..his d…age….Jeffrey his wife died 12 April aged 48 and his son John Fleming died 25 April 1877 age 16 years.
C10 The burial ground of James & Jane Kilpatrick 1844
C15 In memory of Samuel Croker manager of the Stevenston Colliery for the period of twenty four years who died 15th Jan 1850, aged 58 years and Janet Burns his wife who died 17th September 1836 aged 34 years Henry their eldest son, Commander of the “Francis” died at Rio De Janeiro 18th September 1852 aged 30 years, William their fourth son died at Saltcoats, 10 September 1852 aged 23 years Jane only daughter of the above Samuel Croker and relict of James Taylor of New York who departed this life on the 16th November 1873 aged 48 years her remains are interred here.
C17 Erected by Robert Wilson in memory of…children..1844…1851 ..infant died 31 M
C18 John Wilson……..1820 years and months…net who died Dec 31 18…aged 28 years also his spouse Helen Fleck who died November 1844 aged 66 years.
C20 Erected by Robert Frazer in memory of his wife Elizabeth Kennedy died 26 October 1860 age 43 years.
C21 In memory of Gilbert Gray, merchant in Saltcoats died 21 July 1884 aged 58
C22 Sacred to the memory of Charlotte N.H. Gray wife of Charles Smith merchant, Stevenston died 24 May 1848 age 30 years also their family Janet C. Smith died 30 September 1863 age 20 years Maggie C. Smith died 10 Jan. 1870 age 27 years.
C23 In loving memory of Mary Gray died at Fullerton Place 3 June 1900 in her 83 year.
C24 Erected by Thomas McGill and his wife Margaret McKean in memory of drew.. who died May 1893 aged…the above Thomas McGill died 20 Jan…age 37 years their son Thomas died 4 October 1907 aged 50 years.
C25 Erected by Samuel Boyd in memory of his wife Elizabeth White died 6 April 1877 age 58 years his son John Boyd died 19 May 1898 age 41 years the above Samuel Boyd died 1 July 1903 aged 83 years.
C26 Erected by John Morrison.. his wife…the above John Morrison died 27 Jan 1837 age 67 years.
C30 Erected by Hugh Baillie flesher in Stevenston in memory of his wife Ann…who died ..March 1818 age 30 years also his son James died…the above Hugh Baillie died 18 November 1871 age 62 years also James Baillie his son died 3 Oct 1828 age 37 (the dates is this are as transcribed in 1983)
C32 In memory of Lillies Crawford who died 20 March 1848 aged 63 years and her daughter Catherine Duncan died 17th March 1869 aged 49 years also her son in law Andrew McCreadie who died Oct 20th 1883 aged 70 years and her grandson Daniel Robertson who was lost at sea 1891, aged 33 years his niece Lily, daughter of Archibald Robertson who died 15th May 1893 aged 22 months, Margaret Duncan, relict of the said Andrew McCreadie died 15th Augt 1894 aged 74 years.
C34 Erected by…Wyllie…shipmaster in memory of his father…..his brother Mathew died 24th August 1873 aged 54 years also his mother Isabella King who died 27 August 1878 aged 91 years, Ann Munro (relict) of the said Mathew Wyllie died ..March 1882, aged..years.
C35 Benjamin Thom 1842 died 17th M aged 7.
C36 Erected by …Wilson in affectionate remembrance of her husband…eth for someti…Stevenston who died aged 41 years and …Agnes died 9th Dec 1873 aged..Peter died at Callao Oct 1859 aged 35 years William their grandson died 29th Dec 1869 aged 11 years also her mother Sarah Brown who died Oct 1834 aged 73 years the above said Sarah Wilson died at Kirkdale Liverpool 15th Dec 1874 aged 82 years and is interred in Anfield Park Cemetery.
C37 Erected by James Boyd in memory of his son James Boyd who died 15 March 1844 aged 1.1/2 years.
C38 Erected by Alexander Gemmell died October 13 aged 80 years also his wife Elizabeth Mason died Feb 22 1868 age 79 years his daughter in law Elizabeth Gemmell wife of James Gemmell died July… age 62 years.
C44 Erected by Rebecca McKean in memory of her husband George Murray died 4 Jan 1877 age 55 years also 3 daughter who lie here. The above Rebecca died 5 June 1909 age 84 years.
C45 Erected by Adam Paterson in memory of his daughter Elizabeth died while on a visit at Ardrossan 22 April 1836 aged 23 years and 3 months. also in memory of his son John lost at sea 26 Dec 1835 age 20 years 11 months.
C47 Erected by George Cunningham in memory of his son John died 29 March 1835 aged 14 years.
C50 Erected by Mary Scott in loving memory of her husband John Whiteford who died here June 19th 1890 aged 59 years the above Mary Scott died Oct 5th 1910 aged 82 years.
C51 Erected by William Tait in memory of his father Archibald Tait who died 6th May 1874 aged 42 years.
C52 Erected by John Frazer in memory of his wife Euphemia who died 19th Jan 1820 aged 34 years also his sons Cunningham who died August 1833 aged 7 years John King died 26th July 1836 aged 3 years Hamilton K Caldwell died 3rd April 1842 aged 3 years his son William King died 10th Oct 18.. aged 2 years the ..John Frazer died …1844 aged 64 years and his mother Ann King died 28…aged 60 years also..effectionate..of his daughter Susan….Joseph Kirkpatrick who died 12 Jan.
C53a Erected by James Banks in memory of his daughter Agnes who died 15th August 1812 in the 3rd year of her age. also his son John who died 25th Feb 1833 in the 31st year of his age also his son William who died in Calcutta 1845 aged 26 years. The above James Banks. died 16th May 1847 aged 71 years also his wife Agnes Smith died 6th Jan 1849 aged 71 years.
C53b Inscribed by Agnes Banks in memory of her husband James Banks who was lost at sea 1873, aged 35 years and two of their children Robert and Barbara who died in infancy also of his father Nathaniel Banks who died 17th Jan 1874 aged 72 years her son William Barr McMillan who died 7th April 1886 aged 7 years and 4 months their son James Banks died at Guay Guil, Hospital 17 Feb 1895 aged 36 years and of her husband James McMillan who died 2nd Oct 1890 in his 52nd year. The said Agnes Banks died at Ardrossan 16th April 1903 aged 62 years.
C54 Erected by Thomas Levie in memory of his wife Mary Doherty who died on the 6th Jan 1857 aged 55 years the above Thomas Levie died 22nd March 1863 aged 66 years.
C58 Erected by Samuel Love in memory of his daughter Elizabeth Blythe Love who….her life at Nobel Explosives Works on…th May 1884 aged 18 years Samuel Love died 3 Nov 1891 aged 68 years his wife Margaret Blythe died 26th Jan 1903 aged 72 years. his brother James died 11th Aug 1900 aged 68 years.
C59 In loving memory of Hugh McLellan born Oct…1839 died Nov 5th 1901 also his wife Grace Shaw McLellan born April 20th 1846 died Dec 11th 1912 their son Charles born Aug 15th 1879 died Sept 27th 1898.
C64 In loving memory of Margaret Fulton died 1899 James Fulton died 1908 their daughter Margaret Fulton died 1937.
C66 In memory of her husband Adam Munro who died 16 April 185- aged 5- year and of her children James Allan who died 10 Jan 1831 aged 2 years Jane died Sept 184- aged 2- the said Agnes Allan died 1873 aged 73 years.
C68 Erected by Jane and Agnes Babbington in loving memory of their mother Mary Allen Munro who died 15 Dec 1887 age 51 years also of their sister Agnes who died in infancy the said Agnes Babbington died 17 November 1892 in her 28th year.
C69 William their son died in infancy in 1833 erected by James McNaught and Agnes Kerr to the memory of their children Margaret died May 17 1826 in the 2nd year of her age also Ann died May 19 1826 in the 4th year of her age.
C70 Erected by Thomas Conn, quarryman in memory of his wife Mary Stalker who died 21 July 1873 in the 42nd year of her age. Also his son Malcolm died 15 Aug 1883 age 22. The above Thomas Conn died 4 March 1883 age 56 years.
C71 Erected by ….ean in memory of h…..Annie Hendry who died 1 April 1880 age 61 years the above John McKean died 13 July 1892 age 82 years.
C74 Erected by Samuel Dick in memory of his children William died in March 1862 …d…died of…
C76 Erected by Catherine Galt Jeffery and her son John Kilpatrick in loving memory of her husband George Kilpat… who died..the above J..died 26th Jan…
C79a Inscribed by Capt John Bar… in memory of his sister Ann Barclay who died …19 age 23 years also his brother James…
C79B ..of…guson..memory of Ja…shan.. infancy Nov 20th 1826 the above James Shank died 11 Dec 182- age 69 years also his wife Joan Ferguson died in 18– age 60 years.
D2 erected by William McDonald and his wife Elizabeth Fulton in memory of their children five of whom died in infancy also their son John died 20 Feb 1862 age 5 years and their son Robert died 15 Nov 1879 age 9 years. The above said Elizabeth Fulton died 3 Dec 1892 age 62 years also their grandson William McDonald died 15 Dec 1892 age 13 mth Jessie daughter of John and Mary McDonald died 4 Aug 1895 age 15 mth. The above William McDonald died 22…age 73 years…J…d.. died 7th..years
D3 In memory of…1846 ..1832 ..1851 Agnes Hardie …of the above Hugh Young..March 1877 age 78 years Margaret daughter of the above died at Auchtertool Fifeshire 3 November 1879 age 62 years
D4a erected………………………age 5 years….died April 19th 1763…ar and 4 months also James Service their son shipmaster in Saltcoats who died August 23rd 1785 age 26 years and 8 months the above George Service died July 29th 1791 age 78 years
D4b Elizabeth Service spouse………..abo…their daughter died 8 1799 aged 30 years… are also interred the corpse of Jane Service their daughter and wife of John Kinnier late Shipmaster in Saltcoats who died April 3rd aged 81 years. (This inscription was given by Miss B. Reid)
D6 Erected by Ann Sim in memory of her husband Robert Wilson who also…infancy
D7 Erected by Daniel Park in memory of his beloved wife Margaret Harvey who died at….1874 aged 67 years and of their…Thomas, who was killed at…aged 21 years and M…ed 8 years also Isaac…who died in infancy.
D10a 1809 aged..ths13 days the above Margaret Gordon died 10th of Feb 1816 in the 62nd year of her age. William her youngest son died at the Island of Janaira 15th June 1815 aged 22 years the above William Wilson died on the 9th Jan 1824 in the 78 year of his age.
D10b Also in memory of William Wilson grandson of William Wilson who died at sea on the passage from Demerara to Greenock on the 1st day of December 1830 aged 21 years and 9 months John Wilson shipmaster died at St Andrews N.B. 3 Sept 1842 aged 62 years Amelia Wilson died 2nd June 1844 aged 49 years.
D11 Here lies interred Margaret Aird wife of Mathew Crawford Shipmaster who departed this life 6th June 1833 aged 43 years also in memory of his sons Robert and Robert who died in infancy also Margaret who died 26 Nov 1835 aged 14 years and 10 months also William Aird Crawford who was drowned at sea 25th August 1837 aged 21 years also John Shipmaster who died at Calcutta 22nd August 1850 aged 32 years the above Mathew Crawford died 17 July 1865 in his 79th year also Elizabeth Agnes his 2nd daughter died 6th March 1899 in her 75th year and also Sarah his youngest daughter who died 15 Dec 1904 in her 76th year.
D12 Erected by James Goldie in memory of his children Ann and James who died in infancy
D15 Here lie the remains of the following, viz. George Service, merchant in Saltcoats who died 12 Dec 1781 aged 82 years Robert Erskine, his son in law, shipmaster who died 15 March 1784 aged 63 years, Margaret Erskine, daughter of said Robert Erskine who died 14 March 1758 aged 18 months, Robert Erskine his son who died 20th Dec 1766, aged 3 years and six months, Robert Erskine Brown his grandson who died 20th October 1797, aged 13 months, Janet Service his wife who died..March 1816, aged 82 years, Margaret Dow, wife of George Erskine his son who died 3 April, 1808, aged 31 years the said George Erskine who died 19th March 1852 aged 80 years, Janet, eldest daughter of the said George Erskine who died 6 Jan 1866 aged 61 years, Margaret Erskine who died 11th April 1874 aged 69 years.
D16a ..rp…inter..the..pse..of..spouse to Peter Barclay in Stivenston..who died Nov 10 1878 aged -7 years the above Peter Barclay died Oct 30 1827 aged 80 years.
D16b Here lyes the corpse of John Service in Millhill who died April 17th 1727 aged 33 years. Also Janet Reid his spouse who died June 15 1745 aged 51 years.
D17 Erected by Hugh Thomson, wright, in loving memory of his wife Janet McMillan, who died 28th Aug 1888, aged 55 years and of their children John died 12th March 1864 aged 4.1/2 years Margaret died 5th May 1870 aged 14 years Elizabeth died 12th Jan 1874, aged 4 months Margared died 20 Jan 1877 aged 5.1/2 years the above Hugh Thomson died 4th July 1921 in his 92nd year.
D18 The memorial James Latta…lvt farmer in … Nov 1838 in the …age the above…died by Margaret…e..d..his disconsolate widow as a pledge of her duty and respect for his remains.
D21b In memory of James Allison Stevenson who died July 1837 also his wife Esther Cargan who died 15 May 1876 aged 76 years and their son James died 15 May 1861 age 33 years.
D24 …..Frances Brown….memory ..who died..years..lies the..beloved wife who always life, to heavenly.. did incline submitting to..divine also Hugh their son who died at Liverpool 31 Oct 1855 aged 54 years and Mathew their son who died at New Orleans 21 Jan 1856 aged 50 years the above Francis Brown died 20 Feb 1857 aged 86 years Robert youngest son of the above died 24 April 1880 aged 70 years. Thrice happy they whose mortal labours done, may lead like thine from Service to a throne go claim the promise of the chosen part. In zeal a Martha with a Mary’s heart also Elizabeth youngest daughter of the above who died 11th July 1885 aged 70 years.
D25 Erected by Euphemia D. Johnston in memory of her husband William Dick who died 31st Dec 1879 aged 56 years. Also her daughter Janet Dick who died 22nd March 1856 aged 2 years. and her daughter Janet Dick who died 7th April 1866 aged 5 months. Also her daughter Mary Dick who died 12 April 1866 aged 16 years. and her daughter Euphemia Dick who died 20 April 1874 aged 27 years. the above said Euphemia D. Johnston died 4th August 1891 aged 64 years.
D27a This is the burying place of John Campbell ropemaker in Saltcoats.
D28a The Rev. David Ewing Relief Church, Saltcoats died 15th June 1833 in the 80th year of his age, and 50th of his ministry Margaret Boyd his wife 10th Dec 1818 their family, Margaret in childhood, Marion, Hugh, David, Jane, Catherine nee Boyd Reid, Margaret, Jesse, William, Elizabeth wife of Rev. T. Fullarton in advanced life. Until the day breaks erected by Helen G.C. Ewing in sacred remembrance 1876.
D28b John their youngest son died 26 November 1875 aged 65 his children two in infancy boys James David 28..1856 aged 1 y. Maggie Boyd 18 August 1874 aged 22 Helen Glen Campbell wife of the above died 25 August 1886 aged 68 years.
D28c James their 4th son died at Partick 13 April 1837 in the 12th year of his ministry aged 34.
D29 Robert B. Banks in memory of his 3 children who died in infancy the above Robert B Banks died 1 March 1879 aged 55 years. top
D35 Erected by Felix Connelly in memory of his brother ..lliam who d…58 aged 22 years also his daughter Elizabeth who died July 2 1881 aged 21 years.
D36 Erected by James McGraw in memory of his wife Mary Gordon died July 1st 1887 aged 63 years.
D37a This is the burial…of… Sept 1840 ear and Robert..18 Sept 1846 aged 4.1/2 years the above James Dickie d. 16 Feb 1868 aged 70 years.
D37b Erected..Adam D..his son ..ost his life ..of Aug. 1813 aged 15 years the above Adam Dickie died 26 Oct 1814 aged 62 years Agnes Dickie their daughter d. Oct 16 1818 aged 25 years Ann Jamieson died May 1833 aged 74 years.
D40 In affectionate remembrance Robert Banks who died 1st March 1879 aged 55 years his wife Annabella Ballantyne died 1 March 1893 aged 61 years erected by their surviving family 1896.
D42 memory ..who..years.daughter Janet..March 1811..also his 3 children died in infancy also David Pa..o who died Feb…90 years. The above…Chalmers died Dec ..1831 aged 70 years also..daughter Jean..Allan d. 21 1851 aged..years also his daughter Jean Chalmers who died April 5th 18..aged…
D45 Erected in memory of John Stewart seaman who was drowned in Dublin 7 Nov 1878 aged 63 years. Jessie McBride his wife died 1 May 1880 aged 57 years his son William Stewart died 15 Feb 1880 aged 26 years.
D49b Erected in memory of Thomas Harvie who died 21 July 1826 aged 60 years Also his son Andrew who died at sea aged 28 years. Also his daughter Agnes who died 18th November 1850 aged 19 years. and his son John who lost his life on the Banks of Newfoundland 4th July 1832, aged 17 years.
D50 Erected by John Walker in memory of his wife Jean Smith who died June 2- 1806 aged -6 years and 8 months also Jean Walker who died Feb 1806 aged 10 months.
D51a By Jean Campbell in memory of her husband Hon…mon MD..wh..1826 aged 36 years and also of her son the Hon James Brown MD who died in the Island of Dominica Jan 26th 1824 aged 42 years the above Jean Campbell died October 29th 1838 aged 86 years her grand daughter Jean Fullerton died April 19th 1831 aged 1 year
D52 Alex Wilson..aged..years. also his mother Jane Speir who died..1755 aged 6- years. top
D56 Erected by James Miller salt officer in Saltcoats and Janet Moore spouses in memory of their children Margaret born Dec 22 1786 and died May 1791 and William born Jan 18 1776 and died Jan 1798 The above James Miller died 3 May 1821 aged 82 years Janet Moore his spouse died Aug 27 1822 aged 71 years.
D60 In loving memory of Charles Reid who died 3rd April 1900 aged 82 years. Also his wife Mary C. Murphy who died 31st Jan. 1905 aged 78 years their son John died in infancy their daughter Mary who died 14th Jan 1939 aged 62 years.
D61a Erected by Janet McAllister, in affectionate remembrance of her husband, Samuel Muir, Hayocks who died 21 Jan 1874 aged 71 years, the above McAllister, who died at Hayocks 5 March
1802 aged 85 years (front of stone)
D61b In memory of James Muir, Hayocks who died 23 Feb 1832 Mary Small his wife who died 24 April 1841 and of their family Alex. died Sept. 5 1865, aged 77 years, James died 21 Dec 1867 aged 71 years, Janet died 23 Oct 1870 aged 79 years, Jane, died 2 Aug 1872 aged—years. (back of stone)
D66 ….his wife A.. 9 April 18– also his..Adam died Aug 1885 aged 2- years. Mary died 12 Oct 1887 aged 12 years also David, Agnes, Mary and Agnes who died in infancy Alexander Wilson died…
D67 Erected by David Anderson in memory of his wife Barbara Shearer who died 25 April 1871 in the 33rd year of her age deeply regretted also his mother Sarah Marshall who died 6 Feb 1858 aged 65 years also his father James Anderson who died 19 Oct 1886 aged 56 the above David Anderson died Mar 7 in his 76th year also his daughter Janet Anderson who died at Saltcoats 26 Jan 1934 aged 72 years.
D68 Erected by Samuel McCowen in memory of two of his children who died in infancy also his beloved wife Sophia Sinclair who died at Waterloo 18th March 1891 aged 71 years and is interred at Crosby Church Liverpool in life beloved in death lamented the above said Samuel McCowen died at Waterloo 27 Oct 1892 aged 74 years and is interred at Crosby Church
D70 Erected by Robert Lawrie mason Ardrossan in memory of his children Janet Service who died 19 Nov 1827 aged 9 years also Janet Service who died in infancy Mary who died 12 July 1830 aged 6.1/2 years and Robert who died 8 Jan 1836 aged 14 years and 7 months Montgomerie died 9 Dec 1847 aged 14.1/2 years the above Robert Lawrie died 7 Nov 1854 aged 68 years and his wife Martha Montgomery died 19 Feb 1860 aged 75 years.
D71 John Montgomerie a.c in Saltcoats..1782 aged -5 Isabell par…Feb 2…Will Mol..died Feb..bell…1786 aged 32
D72 Erected by Robert Hunter in memory of his father Joseph Hunter born -th March 1806 died 13 Nov 1866
D73 In memory James Hunter Oct 1842 aged 60 years his wife Ann Dickie died May 1854 70 years and of their family 1823 aged 1 year. (Inscription fallen and pieced together)
D74 Erected by Mary Hunter in memory of her husband William Blair merchant, Stevenston who died 21 Dec 1880 aged 81 years their son John who died 22 Dec 1859 aged 4 years the said Mary Hunter died 28 Jan 1886 aged 71 years.
D75 John Shearer in memory of his spouse Elizabeth Hunter who died 15 Jan 1804 aged–years..John their son who died 15 Jan 1813 aged 10 years also his father John Shearer who died Sep..aged 52 years and his mother Christine Colquhoun who died Dec 1822 aged 88 years.
D76 Erected by Agnes Arnot in memory of her husband William Brackenridge Master Tailor who died 13 June 1859 aged 26 years also their Mary Campbell who died 31 July 1858 aged 16 months and their son William Wilson who died 1 March 1860 aged 4 years.
D77 Erected by Alex. Duncan Shopend, Saltcoats, in memory of his wife Jane McPhee who died 10 Jan 1884 aged 53 years the said Alexander Duncan died 31 Oct 1886 aged 66 years also two of their children Charles died 1st Feb 1870 aged 3 years and 8 months Mary died 18th Sept. 1870 aged 2 years.
D78 Erected by William Miller in memory of James Miller his father..died July 6 1797 aged..years also Marion,,moth died July…and James Miller his son died…5 years.
D79a Here is interred Janet Chalmers daughter of David Chalmers farmer in Glen who died 5 Jan 1831 aged 4- years. The above David Chalmers died 27 March 1833 aged 80 years a tribute of grateful remembrance by his sons John David and Hugh Marion Crawford wife of the above David Chalmers died 17 June 1856 aged 78 years.
D79b Erected by James Crawford..mory in Lochcraigs and Jane Mackie his spouse in memory of their daughter Jane Crawford who died Oct 13 1787 aged 8 months.
D80 Erected James Milne in memory of his daughter Isabella who died 12 Nov 1819 aged 14 years also the above James Milne died 18 May 1836 aged 80 years also his son Hugh died 18 Nov 1843 aged 51 years also his spouse Janet Dunlop died 14 Feb 1819 aged 75 years also his daughter Mary Banks died 21 Oct 1847 aged 35 years also his son Richard Dickie died 21 June 1861 aged 50 years also his grandson Richard Banks died 4 Dec 1861 aged 17 years also his son James died 23 March 1887 aged 83 years last survivor.
D81 This is the burial place of Hugh Smith Taylor in Strivn from 1796 (looks like Taylor and Striven)
D83 This is the burial place of David Howie shoemaker in Stevenston d. Jan 25 1789
D86 Erected by James Fraser in memory of his daughter Jane d. 12 Jan 18– aged 18 years his wife Margaret Fraser d. 29 Jan 1883 aged 57 years.
D87 William Wilson died 6 June 1840 aged 63 years also his wife Jean Banks died Sept 27 1853 aged 75 years. Nathaniel Scott son of George Scott stationmaster Kilwinning died Feb 13 1869 aged 6 months the said George Scott died at Hunmingdon Place 21 Jan 1881 aged 54.
D89 Erected by Janet Jack in memory of her husband Robert Skeoch farmer Lochend who died 31 May 1871 aged 90 years. The above Janet Jack died at Lochend farm 16 July 1878 aged 84 years.
D90 Erected by John Reside in memory of his mother…k… The above ..Reside d ..who died 10th 1863 aged 61 years.
D93 Erected to the memory of John Reid died 26 Jan 1877 aged 62 years also his wife Mary Brown died March 1873 aged 57 years.
D95 Erected by John Brown in Dubs in memory of Margaret Brown his spouse died Sept 19 1808 aged 46 years
D96 Erected by Jane Pennel in memory of her husband Walter Glen who died 12 Nov 1846 aged 59 years also their daughter Janet Glen who died 17 Jan 1828 aged 17 years also their son Walter Glen M.D. who died 21 Dec 1846 aged 27 years also their children Walter, Janet, Jane and Alex and Alex died in infancy. The above Jane Pennel wife of Walter Glen who died 19 Nov 1871 aged 78 years also her daughter Margaret Glen who died 4 Feb 1892 aged 68 years.
D97 In loving memory of James McLellan who died 22nd Ocrt 1880 aged 59 years and his wife Ann Reid who died 22nd Dec 1891 aged 68 years. Also of the family James died 29th Sept 1877 aged 21 years. Charles Reid died 11th Nov 1899, aged 50 years Alexander Reid died 13 Feb 1922 aged 57 years. Hugh died 24th Jan 1923 aged 75 years. At rest erected by Mr & Mrs William Scott
D98 David Wilson…memory..father Adam Wilson..died 2 Dec 1872 aged 66 years also his mother Martha Banks who died..1902 aged 8- years his son Adam…Dec 1876 aged..,ears and his daughter..died 30th Oct 1832 aged 2..5 months.
D99 Erected by …..Pennell and Eliz… memory of his wife Margaret Pennell…..81 years also…..and….Bryden who d. …Feb 18…9 years the above Archibald Pennell d. 7/2/1907 the above Elizabeth Frew d. 8/2/1907
E3 Erected by Catharine Russell in memory of her husband Nathaniel Ross who died 10 April 1868 aged 60 years.
E5 Erected by Ma.. Marshall in memory of her father Thomas Marshall who died Jan 18 1800 aged 47 years also her brother Thomas Marshall who died by accident.
E9 Erected by Agnes Brown in memory of her father John Brown watchmaker Saltcoats who died 9 March 1828 aged 72 years. Also her mother Mary Dickie who died 2 June 1847 aged 81 years and her brother John who died at Irvine 5 Dec 1871 aged 71 years the above Agnes Brown died 9 Jan 1883 aged 80 years.
E10 Erected by David Banks R..Ross in memory of their son James Banks who died by accident 27..18– aged 13 years and 3 months also four of their child who died in infancy.
E15 Erected by John Love quarryman in memory of his father Francis Love d. 4/7/1860 age 78 his mother Agnes C. Love d. 15/3/1867 age 83 also his wife Mary Stewart d. 3/8/1869 age 51 son John d. 22/6/1879 age 3 years and 6 weeks said John Love d. 14/1/1881 age 63 Inscribed by Janet Loudon his widow also his nephew Francis Wilson d. 15/11/1898 age 67 Helen Baird wife of said Francis Wilson d. 12/12/1880 age 61.
E16 Erected ..Joseph Frew in memory of his daughter Agnes, who died in infancy 186- and his son Daniel died in infancy 1857 also his son James died in infancy 18– and his son Robert died 4th M… aged 14 years.
E17 Hugh Kerr in memory of his father Hugh kerr aged 78 years his mother Helen Reside aged 58 years his daughter Jean aged 1 year and 7 months his sister Mary aged 65 years.
E20 Erected by William McCrone in memory of his wife Margaret Scott who died 26 May 1879 aged 38 years also 3 of their children who died in infancy his wife Grace Brown who died 2 April 1887 aged 40 years also two of their children who died in infancy.
E22 Erected by Charles Baird weaver in Stevenston to the memory of Janet Allan his spouse who died 26 Jan 1817 aged 31 years also Jean their daughter who died in infancy.
E25 Alex Campbell late shipmaster Saltcoats aged 77 also his spouse Margaret Gray who departed this life Aug 20 1892 top
E29 Erected by Charles Kelly 7 June 1865 in memory of his wife Elizabeth Murchland b. 11 Jan 1818 died 16 Jan 1869 also his daughter Sarah died 28 Nov 1873 aged 28 years. The above Charles Kelly died 21 July 1878 in his 62nd year.
E30 Erected by William Kelly in memory of his son Robert who lost his life by accident 20 June 1874 aged 14 years and 4 of his children who died in infancy the said William Kelly died 10 Jan 1878 aged 66 years also Hamilton Logan his wife d. 5 October 1901 aged 80. top
E32 Erected by their family in memory of their father John Russell who died 1 March 1873 aged 58 years also their brother Robert Russell who died 18 April 1865 aged 19. Also their mother Agnes White died 28 Jan 1894 aged 70 years and other children who died in infancy. Marian died 8 March 1909 aged 47 years.
E33 Erected by Alex Glen Milne in remembrance of his mother Grace Glen who died 20 October 1869 aged 67 years also my brother James Milne was killed at Hurlford 10 Jan 1871 aged 47 and his daughter Jemima died 2 Feb 1874 aged 2.1/2 years also my father John Milne died at Hurlford 22 October 1877 aged 78.
E35 Erected by Alexander McConochy merchant in Saltcoats in memory of his daughter and who died on the 12 Jan 1841 aged 9 years. top
E38 Erected by John rememberancy of his son John who died 29 May 1841.
F1 Erected to the…d..who died in..mem also Janet Reside their d. Nov 12 1822 aged 56 also Ann Stirrat their grandaughter who died -2nd Dec 1844 aged 54 years. top
F2 Erected in memory of Hugh Cowan who died –rd November 18-1 aged 56 years also his daughter Mary who died 11th Sept. 18– aged 18 years also Margaret Logan his wife who died Jan 1881 aged — years.
F3 In memory of Hugh Brown shipmaster Saltcoats and his family Margaret eldest daughter died young Anges second daughter died 1772 aged 18 Mathew third son Shipmaster Saltcoats was drowned on Dublin Bar March 1799 aged 32 Hugh younger son died 16th June 1800 aged 23 the said Hugh Brown senr. died 31 Jan 1813 aged 85 Elizabeth Service his spouse died 2nd June 1817 aged 84
F4 Erected by Robert Hamilton in memory of his son Robert who died 16 Feb 1873 in the 9th year of his age the above Robert Hamilton died May 14th 1888 aged 57 years and his wife Mary Hunter died July 16th 1914 aged 81 years.
F6 Here lie the remains of Mrs John Porter Smith daughter of William Porter Ship Carpenter Saltcoats who departed this life 9 July 1845 aged 39 years and of her children James who died in infancy and Thomas who died 22 March 1852 aged 8 years.
F7 ..kine..3 months died 1 Nov 18– Janet Erskine his spouse aged 89 years Hugh their….31 Jan 1840 aged 4- John their youngest daughter died 1846 aged 34 years George Erskine their youngest son died 30 Sept 1851 aged – years. Peter Kelso Crescent Ardrossan husband of Elizabeth Service their daughter died 31 Dec 1863 aged 62 tears Janet Erskine only daughter of the said Peter Kelso and Elizabeth Service died 25 May 1865 aged 29 years Mathrew fourth son died 23 Jan 1866 aged 66 years. Robert Erskine their third son died 16 May 1866 aged 67 years Agnes their eldest daughter died 20 May 1868 aged 73 years. William Brown Jr. of Parkend their fifth son died 13 Feb 1871 aged 67 years Elizabeth Service their daughter and relict of Peter Kelso died 29 April 1872 aged 65 years Marion Hendry relict of Hugh their eldest son died 6 Feb 1875 aged 77 years.
F8 John Brown of Braehead Merchant in Saltcoats (son of Hugh Brown) and his family Hugh the eldest son died 7th Oct 1808 aged 1 year Hugh the second son died 6th Sept 1816 aged 7 years: William the fifth son died 15 May 1830 aged 21 years Elizabeth eldest daughter died 19 Aug 1846 aged 27 years the said John Brown died Aug 20th 1848 aged 67 years Ann Hunter his spouse died 13th Dec 1841 aged 67 years Ann the second daughter died May 1844 aged 27 years Robert Hunter the third son died the same day aged 37 years. John the fourth son died 21 April 1849 aged 29 years Mathew the sixth son Jane his second daughter died 18th June 1859 aged 4 years. John his eldest son died in Jamaica 28th June 1865 aged 18 years Grace Gray Miller his wife died 31st Jan 1869 aged 45 years Elizabeth Service their eldest daughter died 21 Nov 1870 aged 19 years Robert Hunter f…died 27th..Mathew…
F9 Erected by William McGill and Margaret Barbar in memory of their son William McGill who died July 3rd 1801 aged 4 years
F11 Erected by Mary Reid in memory of her husband John Smith who died 10 May 1890 aged 58 years.
F13 …in memory of his son Robert.. who died Aug..aged 4 years and 7 months also John Young who died Aug 30th 1812 aged 1 year and 10 months. top
F15 Erected by Thomas Hamilton and his wife Ann Scott in memory of their family Adam died 3 October 1886 aged 6 years and Adam who died 16 Jan 1892 aged 5 years.
F18 Erected by John and Cunningham Roberts. in memory of their father John Robertson who departed this life 8 October 18-7 in the 82nd year of his life.
F22a William Burns here are interred the remains of William Burns who died 3 Feb 1847 aged 67 years Jean Aiton his wife died 2 Nov 1846 aged 66 years, their children William, John, James, John and Samuel died in infancy, Margaret daughter of William Burns wife of Robert Fullarton who died 16 April 1899 aged 76 years and is interred in Greenock Cemetery.
F22b Janet daughter of William Burns wife of Samuel Croker, died 17 Sept 1836 aged 34 years and is interred in this churchyard his son Gavin Burns shipmaster died and was buried at Montreal, 5 July 1837 aged 28 years a tablet is erected there to his memory by the regular Shipmaster his son Alexander Burns seaman, was drowned at sea 8 March 1845 aged 76 years.
F22c Thomas Burns here are interred the remains of Thomas Burns, Chemist, son of William Burns who died 26 Dec 1847 aged 47 years, Jane Miller Skade his wife died 3 Dec 1847 aged 36 years. Their son William died in infancy Catherine second daughter of William Burns who departed this life 30 Nov 1900 aged 97 years.
F22d This is the burying place of William Burns Chemist, Saltcoats, his son Robert Burns died at Rothesay 2 Nov 1849 aged 36 years, his son William Burns was born 4 Dec 1809 departed this life 2 Aug 1876 and rests in the Necropolis of Glasgow, in which city he practised as a Writer, he was revered and loved by all who knew him, and was distinguished as an Advocate for Scottish Nationality, Jean, daughter of William Burns, wife of John Gibson, departed this life 4th July 1894 aged 77 years.
F29B Erected by Janet Kilpatrick in memory of husband John Kilpatrick who d…………
F31 Erected by Mary Conn Kilpatrick to her husband William Kilpatrick d. 1/1/1879 age 63 Children Janet d. 15/1/1858 age 16, Jane d. 33/4/1866 age 23, Elizabeth d. 14/4/1840 age 2. Said Mary Conn Kilpatrick d. 17/2/1890 age 70 and her son Robert d. 20/8/1891 age 28
F38 In memory of his wife Margaret Thom who died 17th September 1888 aged 59 years the said Isaac Park died 29th May 1898 aged 74 years.
F39 memory of his father Samuel Reid, mason Stevenston who died 11 June 1882 aged 73 years also his brother Robert who died in infancy also his sister Elizabeth who died in infancy and his sister Margaret who died 23 Sept 1884 aged 30 years. The above Samuel Reid died at Shettleston 21 Feb 1886 aged 46 years also his brother James Reid who died 1st March 1887 aged 42 years also his mother Agnes Reid relict of Samuel Reid, mason who died 3rd Jan 1893 aged 80 years.
V1 Mars Donald died Sept 1822 aged 80 years.
V2 R.R. Cunningham died 21 Nov. 1814 aged 70 years.
V4 Miss Ann Donald died 1857 aged 78 years.
V5 Alex. Robertson died 28 April 1852 aged 3 weeks and 4 days.
V6 R. Cunningham died 25 Jan 1858 aged 71 years.
V7 E. Maude R. Cunningham aged 17 died 2 July 1870
V8 R.R.H.R. Cunninghame born 3 April 1868 died 29 April 1904
V9 Harriette Robertson Cunningham born 8 Aug. 1819 died 9 Nov. 1905
V10 A.W. Robertson Cunningham born Nov 1814 died 9 Feb 1888
V11 A.W.R. Cunninghame died 13 April 1882 aged 22 years.
V12 C.G.R.Cunningham born 24 July 1856 died 7 June 1915 top
V13 John Fullarton aged 24 died 26 Oct. 1842
V14 Alex. Hamilton Esquire of Grange aged 77 died 25 Oct 1837
V15 Gavin Fullerton of Kerelaw died 28 Aug. 1876
V16 Alice James youngest daughter of the late Francis Edward James born 18 May 1867 died 15 April 1887
V18 Francis Edward James of Kerelaw died Oct 1st 1886 aged 70 years. top
V19 Ann Fullarton died 19 March 1881 aged 84 years. top
V20 H.H. Cruikshanks died 9 Oct 1850 aged 10 years and 3 months
V21 C.C. Burnett died 21 March 1855 aged 76
W1 Sacred to the memory of James Wodrow DD for the long space of fifty years he was minister of this parish and performed the duties of his office in an exemplary manner in illustrating the sacred writings he had a simplicity and perspicuity peculiar to himself in his habitual piety and benignity of disposition he displayed a portion of the spirit of that master whose gospel he preached and whose example he studied to imitate he died in the 81 year of his age and the 55th of his ministry A.D. 1810 In this place are deposited his remains and those of his wife and two sons.
W2 In memory of Dr William Lockhart R.N. who died suddenly while serving as surgeon on board HMS Helicon at Queenstown 17 Jan 1867 aged 30 years erected by the Captain and Officers of the Helicon as a token of regard and esteem for their late messmate.
W4 To the glory of God and in memory of Mathew Brown Reid Master Mariner lost at sea 23 Jan 1918
W5 To the glory of God and in memory of the Rev. J. Geddes Ritchie B.D. minister of this parish from 1927-1954
W6 To the glory of god and in memory of Helen Marshall Reid who died 31 March 1954
W7…the Rev Robert J. Kyd minister of Stevenston 1886-1921
W8 Sacred to the memory of George Vanburgh Brown Esquire formerly of Knockmarlock, in this county and of his wife Elizabeth eldest daughter of the late Robert Reid Cunninghame Esquire of Auchenharvie and of Seabank both of whom died and were interred many years since at Tours in France this simple table, in most affectionate remembrance is erected by their only son; June 1854 also in memory of Alexander Hamilton Esquire formerly of Grange (now called Kerelaw) in the parish of Stevenston; who died upon the 25th day of Oct. 1837, aged 78 years and whose remains are deposited in a vault, beneath this church
W9 Sacred to the memory of Ann Fullerton widow of the late John Fullerton Esquire and mother of Mrs James Kerelaw who died 19th March 1881 aged 89 years. This tablet is erected by her much beloved and sorrowing grandson John Kingston Fullerton James.
W10 to the dear memory of Francis Edward James of Kerelaw second son of the late Sir John Kingston James Bart, of Dublin born 11th May 1816 died 1st Oct 1886 . This tablet is erected by his widow
W11 Sacred to the memory of Gavin Fullarton of Kerelaw who died 28th August 1876 at an advanced age universally loved and regretted blessed are the dead………erected in most loving remembrance by his neice.
W12 To the beloved memory of Alic youngest daughter of Francis E James of Kerelaw who died 15 April 1887 aged 19 erected by her sorrowing mother.
W13 Sacred to the memory of Robert Cunninghame Esquire of Aucenharvie who died at Seabank 25 Jan. 1858 who succeeded his father in the estate in the year 1814 he lived a quiet and unostentatious life….also to the memory of his sister Mrs Ann Robertson Cunninghame by who he was succeeded who died suddenly at Hallcraig 2nd July 1858 widow of the late Lieut. Col. Alexander Robertson of Hallcraig Lanarkshire.
W14 In memory of a much loved brother William Frederick third son of the late Patrick Warner of Ardeer born June 20th 1849 died in the Indian Ocean on his way to England Feb 12 1877. This tablet is erected by his three sisters.
W15 Erected to the memory of Patrick Warner of Ardeer born 4th Oct. 1818 died 6 Oct. 1854 and of Lucy Josephine his daughter born 28 Dec. 1839 died 6 Nov. 1854
W16 Sacred to the memory of Patrick Warner, of Ardeer born 19 Dec. 1840 died 13 March 1915 also of George Percey McNeil Warner son of the above born 24 May 1870 died 5 Dec. 1904
W17 In loving memory of Lucy Lavinia second daughter of Patrick Warner born at Ardeer House Jan. 2 1868 died at Mentone Dec. 25 1885 also Henry Patrick second son of the same born at Ardeer House Feb. 16 1869 died at Torquay Oct. 29 1890.
Z1 In affectionate memory of Janet Ann Elizabeth Burnett wife of the Rev. James Cruickshank minister of Stevenston died 16 June 1877 deeply regretted also of Henrietta Hay Cruickshank their daughter who died 8 Oct. 1850 and James Burnett Cruickshank their son who died at Emelina Ceylon 21 Jan. 1877 also of the said Rev. James Cruickshank who after being Minister at Manor for 10 years became Minister of Stevenston in 1843 died 17 Oct. 1880 aged 76 years.
Z3 Erected 1835 by Alexander Campbell Innkeeper in Saltcoats in memory of his father and mother and other relatives whose remains are buried here the said Alexander Campbell died 14 Sept 1880 aged 81 Jane Kirkwood his wife died 25 May 1889 aged 81.
Z4 Erected by the Rev. Robert Joseph Kyd Minister of Stevenston in memory of his wife Mary Georgina Forrest who was “caught up to meet the Lord” 14 June 1902 aged 40 years also his daughter Mary Winifred who died 1 Feb.1909 aged 19 years also his son Robert George who died 22 Jan 1916 aged 27 years the above Rev. Robert Joseph Kyd died 3 May 1921 aged 65 years in the 35th year of his Ministry.
Z5 Erected by Capt. Charles Miller in the memory of his brother Robert Miller surgeon in Saltcoats who died 1841 aged 87 his wife Agnes Tassie died 1845 aged 75 also four of their children who died in infancy and Mary and Daniel who died in the 18th year of their age Robert Miller …ser..son died 19th June 18-1…….
Z7 The family tomb of Alex Hamilton Hamilton died Hullerhirst 1843 Alexander Hamilton Howe, M.. born 25 Jan 1816 died 27 July 1895 also Ann Forber-Robertson his relict born 12 Dec. 1815 died 6 Dec. 1900