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Herald Files - Snippets from the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald
January 8, 1904
On New Year's night a man fell while on Kyleshill Bridge, Saltcoats, and he died later as a result of his skull having been fractured. It is alleged he was knocked down by another man who at the Sheriff Court, Kilmarnock on Monday was committed on a charge of culpable homicide.
In spite of a frost-bound green and biting cold weather, Ardrossan bowlers enjoyed a game of bowls on New Year's Day.
At the fifth annual social of the Catholic Benefit Society, Saltcoats, the Rev PW Ryan presided on the platform were also the Rev Fr Keogh, and brothers Reis, Lunn, Milgrew, Doherty, Kirk and Hickey and Mr Smith, Mr E Linnie was MC at the dance..
Mr Tom Lyon, son of Mr TS Lyon, Stevenston, has been appointed editor of the Toronto Globe.
Mr John Hamilton, JP, Beith, chairman of Parish Council, died on Thursday last. He was a partner in the legal firm of Love & Williamson.
The mills in Kilbirnie were on holiday for a week. At Glengarnock the ironstone pit was closed on Thursday owing to the seam being nearly wrought out. This throws about 170 men out of employment, most of whom reside in Dalry Parish.
A juvenile opera, The Prince and the Peasant was performed by the pupils of Fergushill Public School. Among the boys who took part were:- Alex Lindsay, Willie Muir, Jim Collins, John Mikie, James Morrison, and Harry Gallone. Mr Thomas Pirie was conductor.
January 15, 1904
Ardrossan Town Council have decided to lay a crossing from the Academy gates to the other side of the road. It was stated that in wet weather the road there was churned into mud and that in the summer time it was just as bad with dust.
At the annual meeting of Ardrossan EU Congregational Church, Mr Jacob Vickers presided, the following office bearers were elected:- Mr Hugh Campbell, treasurer; Mr Thomas Wilson, secretary; Mr Angus Cameron and Mr David Sharpe, delegates; and Mr William McKinnon.
The first meeting of the newly-constituted Irvine and District Water Board was held in Irvine Council Chambers on Friday. Mr James B Black presided.
The man arrested in connection with the New Year's night fatality in Saltcoats has been liberated on the injunction of Crown Council, the charge of culpable homicide preferred against him have been departed from.
At Saltcoats Literary, Mr Samuel Noble spoke on More Sea Yarns.
Mr HA Jocobs' Juvenile Dramatic presented the operetta The Enchanted Glen in the Assembly Hall, Ardrossan.
January 29, 1904
At the Burns Supper in the Saracen Inn, Saltcoats, Albert Crawford, Ardrossan, proposed 'The Immortal memory' and Mr Chris Meadows 'The bards of Scotland.'
Mr john Adams, third son of Mr Adams, Burgh Factor, Ardrossan has commenced business on his own account as an architect in Kroonstadt, Orange River Colony, South Africa.
The proposal to make Stevenston a burgh was before Sheriff Brand at Kilmarnock on Friday and Saturday. The Sheriff took the matter to avizandum.
Dalry Burns Club which claims to be the oldest with an unbroken record in Scotland, held its annual supper in the Turf Inn (Mr McKay's) where for the last 79 years the memory of our national bard has been regularly toasted. Mr John Riddet, PC, gave the 'memory of the Poet'.
Nurse Howatt has been appointed nurse in Kilbirnie in place of Mrs Greig who has resigned meantime for health reasons.
At the annual meeting of Brodick Free Church congregation, Rev J Kennedy Cameron presided. it was reported that the church door collections for the year were £99 10s 8 1/2d and the total congregational income for the year was over £300, leaving a credit balance of £22.
Rose Greenan, who was connected with Kilwinning parish for a long number of years, has died in Kilbirnie.
February 5, 1904
With a nucleus of £150, Kildonan, Arran United Free Congregation aim to build a new church costing £2000.
Mr John Stewart of Ardrossan, who served his apprenticeship under Kirkhope Solicitor, is in a Coatbridge office after qualifying as a law agent.
Plans of a manse, estimated to cost £833 for Ardeer UF Church, were passed by the Presbytery.
Mr James Wylie, decorator, Stevenston, has gained first prize and Diploma of honour for a stencilled frieze and a First Class Diploma and Medal for an original decorative design at exhibitions in Edinburgh and England.
In a recent billiards match, Stevenston Unionist Club (Wm Cunninghame, Tom Garrett, William McKnight, Alex Donnachie, Sam Thomson, James Slaven and Alex Forrester) beat Largs Stevenson Institute by 1416 to 1362.
St Bride's UF Church, West Kilbride, had an income of £660 for the past year.
The following Dalry tradesmen were among the contractors for the new extension to Dalry School - William Alexander, James Craig, Allan Aitken, Daniel Tait, Tait and Co and Andrew McNeilly.
The staff of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald presented gifts to Mr John Green on the occasion of his leaving the office.
Ardrossan Amateur Dramatic Society presented the Scottish drama 'The Rose of Ettrickvale' in the assembly hall last week.
February 12, 1904
Rob Roy is being presented next week at Kilbirnie on successive nights. Mr and Mrs Durward Lely and Mr John Clyde head the cast.
At Saltcoats Town Council a proposal to construct a new bathing pond at Salt Pans, estimated to cost £260, was defeated.
At Saltcoats amateur singing contests finals in the Town Hall on Saturday evening the only local competitor successful was a boy, Hugh Thomson, who was awarded the medal for the best "comic".
Among the junior winners at Dalry Ploughing Match were:- Alex Neil, Thirdpart, West Kilbride; James Dalgleish, Hillend, Dalry; James Muir. Bowertrapping, Dalry. The best looking bachelor was J Fleming.
Mr Hugh Hamilton, son of Mr William Hamilton, Lynn Street, Dalry, has been appointed organist to the Paisley Free Breakfast Mission.
Mr John Gibson has been appointed president of Kilbirnie Burns "Red Wud" Club.
February 19, 1904
Mr William Service, joiner, Saltcoats, died on Thursday at the age of 85.
At the social of Dr Campbell's ambulance classes in Saltcoats, 28 ladies were presented with certificates for sick nursing and 30 ladies and 6 gentleman gained medallions for ambulance work.
Captain John Smith has gifted to Ardrossan EU Congregational Church a stained glass memorial window.
The prizewinners at Stevenston evening classes included Alex Weir, Tom Lambie, David Frew, Alex Kerr, David Hamilton,
John Conn, Tom Bowman, R Black, Alex McIntosh, Thos. Gray, Robert Mitchell, John Scott, Harry Edgar, John McIntosh,
Wm. Kirkwood, James Auld and James Boyd.
A presentation has been made to Mr Wm. Tod of Glenree, retiring secretary of Arran Farmers' Society.
At Dalry Ramblers' Club dance, Mr Barton was MC and the music was supplied by Miss Quigg and Mr John MacLeod.
There are now 2200 books in West Kilbride Public Institute Library.
February 26, 1904
Allison's of Princes Street, Ardrossan, is to be extended to take in the premises presently occupied by Mr Ramage.
In connection with the petition to fix boundaries for the proposed Burgh of Stevenston, Sheriff Brand, in an interlocutor found that the area is suitable for being formed into a Police Burgh but ordained that the petitioners lodge an amended plan giving effect to certain additions in the area.
The Golden Wedding of Mr Robert Hastings, shoemaker and Mrs Hastings, Beith, was celebrated on Friday evening.
A Kilwinning note records the death of Mr Thomas Donnachie, who was one of the gardeners on the Eglinton Estate for close on 30 years.
Robert Shaw, a sergeant in the 1st Kilbirnie Company, BB, has died at the early age of 17 1/2 years. He was a son of Mr and Mrs James Shaw, Newfield Cottage, Kilbirnie.
Mr Robert Bell, Largs, has passed for a captain's certificate. He was one of the crew (masthead man) of Shamrock I when that yacht competed for the America Cup.
The first organised fancy dress ball to be held in Irvine, so far as records show took place in the Town Hall on Friday evening and was a great success. Mr Burgoyne's band provided the music and the refreshments were in charge of Miss Anderson of the King's Arms Hotel.
March 4, 1904
The ceremony took place on Saturday of laying the memorial stone of the new masonic temple in Kilbirnie. It was performed in the presence of a large gathering by Bro Major Mure of Caldwell, RWPGM.
Vale of Garnock Strollers defeated Ardrossan Winton Rovers 1-0 at Ardrossan. A paragraph in Kilbirnie notes states that the game was most pleasantly contested, there being only two fouls throughout the whole ninety minutes for illegitimate work.
In Ardrossan United free Church Presbytery the number of members on the roll is 5725. The 30 Sabbath Schools have 337 teachers and 3190 scholars.
Mr Alex beck, Eglinton Road, Ardrossan, has been awarded a diploma for his exhibit in Glasgow East End Industrial Exhibition. The exhibit consists of a bed mat made of silk, satin and brocade; a sofa cushion and a wall pocket.
Among the male pupil teachers who passed the King's Scholarship Examination was John Jackson, Glengarnock School and R Crawford, Eglinton School, Ardrossan.
March 11, 1904
Mr Gavin Hamilton, the father of the Glasgow Faculty of Procurators, who has died, was a native of Brodick, Arran.
Mr John Withers, Ardrossan, who was a spare signalman on the Glasgow Southern Railway, was made a presentation by his fellow workers to mark the occasion of his leaving for Canada.
The Crook and Plaid Lodge of Shepherds, Stevenston, has a membership of 390.
Mr Arthur Wiseman, organist of St Andrew's UF Church, Dalry, has been appointed organist and choirmaster of the East UF Church, Kilbirnie, in place of Mr Robert Blackwood, Beith, who has resigned.
A Kilbirnie note states that on Tuesday a number of friends and well-wishers of Mr Robert Howie, farmer, Milton, turned out of the fields of Paddockholm, leased by him, and give him a day's friendly ploughing.
Among the young artistes in the Beith Academy annual concert were Masters Hugh Smith, John Anderson and James Robertson. The conception of the illustrated programme, it is stated, was worthy a John Leech or a Phil May. It is understood it was the work of Master James Foster, son of esteemed headmaster.
An association called The Sons and Daughters of Kilbirnie has been formed in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
At the annual social of the G&SWR Ardrossan Ambulance Class medallions were present to Messrs John Cairney, D Deans, James Anderson, John McLean, John Davies, James Smith and Peter Naismith. Presentations were also made to Mr Nisbet, late captain of the class, Mr Logan, retiring secretary, Mr FH Gillies, president, and Dr Allan, medical instructor.
March 18, 1904
The fiftieth anniversary of the Dalry Baking Company Ltd was celebrated at a festival held in the Reformed Templars' Hall.
Mr A Neil, chairman presided and an interesting concert programme was carried through by messrs W Begg and A
Mitchell, and Messrs H McKissock and J Shedden, vocalist, Miss J Mitchell, pianist; Mr John Neil, elocutionist; Miss Lawson, dancer, and Mr James Morrow, comedian.
Mr FH Gillies, secretary of the G&SW Railway Company was entertained to dinner in the Station Hotel, Ardrossan, on the occasion of his leaving the district.
At the Caledonian railway Ambulance Class (Ardrossan) social Mr G Clark made the presentation to Dr Macdonald, the lecturer.
Among the students of Mr JD McClymont's shorthand class in the Public School, Stevenston who gained Primary Certificates were Harry Edgar, John Scott, John Black, Alex McIntosh and Thomas Gray.
Mrs Deacon, teacher, Blair Mains School, Dalry, has resigned.
Scholars of the physical culture class conducted by Mr John Gibson, drill instructor, held a social in Townend School, Dalry.
The death has taken place of Mr William Fife and Mr James Logan, Kilbirnie, both almost 90 years old.
March 25, 1904
Saltcoats St Mary's League of the Cross members gave a performance of the drama Ireland As It Is on the evening of St Patrick's Day. The cast included Messrs M Reilly, D Whyte, J Pettigrew, F Connor and Misses Harkins, M Murray, C Harkins, Mrs Harkins sang a solo and D Legg's band provided interval music.
Saltcoats EU Congregational Church and choir under the leadership of Mr Thomas Ingram, sang the cantata, The Lion of Judah.
A concert was held on Friday in the Parish Hall, Lamlash, with the object of raising funds to provide an invalid carriage for a young man in the village who is paralysed in both legs. The Brodick Choral Class under Mr James S Shaw gave the sacred cantata Saul of Tarsus and the soloists were local. The hall was filled.
The new musical instrument, the symphonium has been introduced into Stevenston UF Church, is giving, it is said better satisfaction than the previous "kist o' whistles".
Among the first prize-winners in the adult section of the Stevenston Spring flower show were John McNab, Thomas Johnston, Hugh Kentley and Miss C Stewart (teacher). The championship medals (school children) were won by Sarah Forrester and Gary Johnston.
In the board room of Kilbirnie Co-operative Society Mr Alexander Torrance, who has been manager of the society for 12 years, was presented with parting gifts on his leaving to be manager of Armadale Co-op Society.
April 1, 1904
captain William Dunlop, son of the late James Dunlop and Mrs Dunlop, Princes Street, Ardrossan, has died of enteric fever in Singapore. he was sailing master of the Albion.
Mr David Murray, of Dalgarven, Kilwinning, who was chief engineer of the SS Barnstable, fell overboard during a voyage, and was drowned.
Miss Robina Watt, Ardrossan, gained a gold medal at a juvenile dancing competition at Maybole on Saturday.
At Ardrossan Amateur Minstrels' supper and musical evening Mr W Harvey presided. Songs were sung by Messrs J Black, William Kean, H Craig, T Logan and J McDowall; step dances were contributed by J McDowall and J Todd and Mr JB Lawson and Dan Harvey were pianists.
The Golfers' Glee Club's first concert at Saltcoats was a success. Solo parts in the choral numbers were taken by Mr John Stewart, Mr Muir, Mr Arnott, Mr Turnbull and Mr SC Hogarth, Mr JC Douglas was conductor and Mr FM Baxter, Dalry was at the piano.
William McGran, Beith FC, has been transferred to Glasgow Rangers.
Largs postmistress, Miss Wood and her ancestors have conducted the Post Office work there for an unbroken period of about 108 years. the first postmistress was her great grandmother.
A Wedding in the Parish Church, Lamlash, on Friday evening, was the first to take place in the church for 10 years.
April 8, 1904
Among the deaths announced are that of Mr Robert Allison of Lima, Peru, formerly a coal and shipping agent in Ardrossan, and that of Mr John McKinnon, Stanley Farm, Ardrossan, who was in his 74th year and was one of a family of 12 born at laigh Dykes, Saltcoats.
At the Saltcoats, Burgh Band concert on Monday the bandmen made their first appearance in their new uniforms.
During the storm on Sunday last the 100-ton trading schooner Bredalbine of Belfast was driven ashore at Stevenston, carried right up through the boundary fence of Ardeer Dynamite Works, and left smugly cradled at the foot of a 20-feet sand dune inside of the works.
Damage estimated at £5000 was done by a fire that broke out last Friday morning at the Ayrshire Foundry, Stevenston.
Under the auspices of Overton Church Band of Hope, West Kilbride, and exhibition was held of hyacinths grown by the children from bulbs supplied by them. First prize winners were:- Kate McIntyre; red, Tom Henderson, white, Leslie Henderson, blue, Maggie Jack.
At a meeting at Dalry, Mr Harry Thornton presided, it was agreed to form a cricket club.
April 15, 1904
In the production of Jeannie deans by the Ardrossan Amateur Dramatic Company, the cast included - messrs Jack Clydie, John Deason, JT Woodburn, P Mullen, H Skillen, John Cance, Misses A Higgins, J McConnachie, AM Gibson and A McKinnon.
Ardeer Golf Club three-days' bazaar opened yesterday in Saltcoats Town Hall and the drawing amounted to £300. The Countess of Eglinton performed the opening ceremony.
Saltcoats Licensing Court recommended hotel keepers to fall in with a suggestion made by Chief Constable McHardy and apply next year for a license which precludes them from selling excisable liquors to travellers on Sundays.
Mr James Ferrie, champion draughts player of Scotland, visited Kilbirnie on Saturday and played 12 or more games simultaneously with local and district players. Of 52 games played he won 42, lost one and drew nine.
At a service concert and dance held in the Parish Church, Lamlash, under the auspices of the Reading and Recreation Club, Mr Wm Hunter of Glenkiln, presided. The knockdow Silver Cup for carpet bowls was presented to Mr John Gordon skip of the winning team.
Mr William D Simpson of Yonderfield, West Kilbride, gained two first class and one second class certificates at the west of Scotland Agricultural College examination.
A ticket in a house window in Largs bears the following: "Room and kitchen to let, furnished. near the quay. With a WC. And own key. If you are TT (teetotal)."
April 22, 1904
Hundreds of spectators in the streets of Kilbirnie watched the passing of the cortege at the funeral of the woman and her four children who were murdered in their home last week. The husband an Italian is in custody.
At the three days' bazaar on behalf of the Ardeer Golf Club the total drawings were £610.
Miss Price, Harbour Street, Irvine, has gained second prize for poker work in an open competition in connection with the industrial exhibition being held in St Andrew's Hall, Glasgow. Fr Bradley, Caledonia Road, Saltcoats, is amongst the prize winners in the fine art section.
At a concert given by St John's United Free Church, Ardrossan, songs were rendered by Miss Florrie Barr, Miss Macara, Miss McDowall, Miss Gillanders, Mr R McGee and Mr Adams. Miss Beckett contributed recitations and Mr JW Blythe and Mr DB Goodwin a piano duet.
Beith students who have graduated or gained other honours at Glasgow University are David Conn, Jeanie AT Hewitt and Archibald Allan Bowman.
Daniel Paterson, a pupil of Mr Fred W Baxter, Dalry, has gained at the examination by the Association Board of the Royal Academy and the Royal College of Music, London, the "Distinction" Certificate for Harmony and Grammar of Music (Higher Division).
The total number of scholars on the roll in the schools under Kilbirnie School Board was 1248, excluding St Bridget's, which is temporarily closed owing to a measles epidemic.
Mr Alexander Arnott has been appointed organist of Stevenston Parish Church.
April 30, 1904
The death has taken place of Mr Hugh Hogarth, 8 South Crescent, Ardrossan. he was the founder of the Baron Line of steamers which originated 20 years previously with the Baron from Ardrossan. he was 63 years of age and a native of Stevenston.
Ardeer UF Church juvenile choir, under Mr Alex M Arnott and Mr John Greenlees, gave two performances of the operetta The Nodding Mandarine in the Conservative Hall, Stevenston.
In Beith Hibs FC's five-a-side juvenile tournament final, Dempster's five defeated Maxwell's five by 2-1.
Considerable damage was done by fire at Dalry Public School on Tuesday morning.
At the opening of Dalry bowling green the president's side (Dr Whyte) beat the vice-president's (Mr RW Walker) by 102 to 84.
Stevenston Public School has been closed this week owing to a measles epidemic.
Whippet racing is becoming all the rage in Beith.
May 6, 1904
A former Ardrossan minister, the Rev Rigby Murray, is the new moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England.
Master James Lyle, son of Police Sergeant Lyle, Saltcoats, has received honourable mention for a drawing contributed to the Children's Monthly Paper.
A cricket club is to be formed in connection with Ardrossan Academy.
Early on Friday, a fire in Eadie's public house, Dockhead Street, Saltcoats, caused damage of between three and four thousand pounds.
Both the Stevenston and the Ardeer Schools will be closed for three weeks owing to measles epidemic. the School Board officer states it is strange that hardly a case of measles occurred in the RC School.
In an Ardrossan and District Cup tie the Troon rangers FC beat Kilbirnie Ladeside 4-2 Buchan, inside right, scored Troon's 100th goal. This is the third year in succession that the player has scored the century goal for Troon.
Mr Walter Morrison, for 45 years headmaster of the Free Church School, Dalry, latterly Townend School, died last week.
West Kilbride team won the tug-of-war at Kilbirnie cattle show. the members were:- A Hislop, Hunterston; John Wilson, Meadowfoot; Alex Neil, Thirdpart; Robert Tait, Porteath; James Tait, Faulds, and Andrew Walker, Pentonville.
May 13, 1904
The Rev Alexander Davidson, senior minister of West UF Church, Kilbirnie, died at Ardrossan on Sunday evening at the age of 72. his ministry in Kilbirnie extended to 32 years.
The average price of the new contract coal for Ardrossan Burgh gas Works is 13/61/2d. per ton.
On the casting vote of provost Guthrie, Saltcoats Town Council decided to publish a booklet advertising the town. Mr Ross held that this was a useless waste of public money.
Mr Hugh Gillespie, chief of the G & SW Marine Department at Ardrossan was entertained in the Station Hotel to mark the occasion of his recent marriage. Mr Provan, stationmaster, presided and Mr McMurray, loco foremen, made presentations.
Ardrossan Co-op Society opened a branch shop in West Kilbride last Saturday.
The members of the Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Brass Band have presented their leader, Mr Andrew McCallum, with a silver mounted baton. Mr James Houston presided at the ceremony and Mr James Fyfe made the presentation.
May 20, 1904
Mr Provan, stationmaster, Ardrossan, has been appointed to the goods agency at Ayr and Mr Kirkwood, Hurlford, will succeed him.
Saltcoats Town Council have refused to license an open-air theatre which was intended to be erected for the summer months.
Mr RW Raphael, Saltcoats who is leaving the district, has been presented with gifts from Stevenston UF Church Bible Class, Mr James Morrison, session clerk, paid Mr Raphael a high tribute.
The Roman Catholic community of Stevenston are soon to be provided with a chapel and schoolrooms. The estimated cost is £500.
A Shellfinch's nest was found in a stock of greens sent to Mr Charles Blair, fruiterer, Beith last Saturday.
James A Barclay, Toft's Place, Dalry, has gained an Honours Certificate in building construction at Technical College, Glasgow.
At a meeting on Tuesday it was agreed to form a Saltcoats Liberal Association. Leading office bearers appointed were:- Mr PW Hunter, Mr Pringle, Mr Fulton and Mr Orr.
May 27, 1904
A new church for Dreghorn EU was opened last Friday. In a £35 collection, the copper coins lifted by the bag amounted to only 1/3d.
Police Constable Buchan, Ardrossan, has been promoted to the post of sergeant and transferred to Maybole.
Two members of Ardrossan New Parish Church choir, Miss Nisbet and Mr Malcolm Sinclair, were presented with farewell gifts by their fellow members on the occasion of their removing from the town.
One of the attractions at Saltcoats Fair is McIndoe's cinematograph.
Councillor Sam Goodwin, Ardrossan, intimates that he is commencing business as an auctioneer and valuer.
A Kilwinning man, the Rev David Logan Blair, BC has been elected minister of Coylton Parish Church.
Mr Davidson, of the goods department, GSW Railway, Dalry, was presented with gifts on the occasion of his leaving for Canada.
Stevenston Co-op Society have built a substantial block of houses on the new road leading from Boglemart Street to the High Road.
Constable John McNab, Glengarnock, has retired and is succeeded by constable Best. Sergeant McKie, transferred to Girvan, is succeeded by Sergeant Berry from Girvan.
Mr William P Begg, West Kilbride, has had a distinguished career at the Veterinary College and he has passed his examination for the degree of MRCVS.
June 3, 1904
A party of Co-operative Guildswomen visit Ardrossan tomorrow (Saturday) to inaugurate, if possible, a branch of the Guild.
The death has taken place at his home in Kilwinning of Mr Robert Scott, who sailed for many years as Chief Engineer with the Anchor Line.
Mr Robert Neil, whose father and he were tenants of the Auchennames Estate for 67 years, has died, he was a son of the late James Neil of Thirdpart.
At St Brennan's annual horse fair, Kilbirnie, about 200 horses were exposed for sale. prices ranged from £30 to £55 for good cart horses and a few brought the top prices for £70 to £75.
June 10, 1904
Mr Robert Bradley has been selected to represent Ardrossan Bowling Club in the Scottish Single handed Championship.
The employees of Stevenston Co-operative Society have presented Mr John Scott, Central Grocery Department, with a marble timepiece and ornaments to mark the occasion of his marriage.
Mr W Smith, joiner, has purchased the property at Bellscauseway, Beith, belonging to Mr W Anderson, auctioneer.
In the annual bowling match, Dalry (skips James Boyd, RW Walker, J Graham, G Kirkhope, Robert Kimm and A Holburn) beat Ardeer (TC Banks, H Thomson, D Sinclair, J Bicket, A Kilpatrick and W Reid) by 128 to 106.
Mr W McHattie, Cochrane Street, Kilbirnie, had a large hive of bees on Sunday, the first reported in the district.
The new building in Fairlie which partly form a new street in Ferry Row are named Kelburn Terrace.
Largs Hawkhill Bowling Club were the winners of the Silver Bowl.
June 17, 1904
The Rev JD McCall, New Ardrossan Parish Church, who has completed 50 years ministry in Ardrossan, has applied for the appointment of a colleague and successor. he proposes to give up £100 of his stipend to the successor and retain the remainder of the stipend and the glebe and manse, and the congregation has agreed to add £130 to this £100, making the assistants salary £230.
Saltcoats Trinity Church choir Juvenile Singing Class, under their leader Mr George W Hooper, Glasgow played the organ accompaniments.
The workers in Ardeer Ironworks to the number of 50 held an excursion to Rothesay last Saturday. They drove in brakes to Largs and thence proceeded by steamer Vulcan.
While working in connection with a new building in Glasgow, Robert Wylie, master joiner, was fatally injured by a fall. he was the brother of Peter Wylie, Corsehill, Kilwinning.
The introduction of free books in Dalry schools will take place after the holidays.
Mr John Duff, Boglemart Street, Stevenston, has passed his final exam as marine engineer (first class).
June 24, 1904
In Ardrossan and Saltcoats there has been much less drunkenness since the New Year, though staggers are still not scarce.
Mr James Howie has opened a licensed restaurant and tearoom in Windmill Street, Saltcoats.
Mr George Robertson, who left Saltcoats two years ago to fill an appointment to South Africa, is returning home. He has again been signed as a player with Port Glasgow Athletic FC.
The trip of the merchants of Ardrossan, Saltcoats, Stevenston and Kilwinning to Aberdeen on Wednesday per Caledonia railway was patronised by 981 persons and two corridor trains were needed to accommodate them.
A stained-glass window has been placed in Lochranza UF Church in memory of Mr Archibald Kerr, for many years engineer and iron founder in Maryhill. Although born in the parish of Ardrossan, the late Mr Kerr was by sympathies and antecedents an Arran man. The window is a gift of his widow.
Mr Robert McNair, a Fairlie man, who has been for over 36 years in the service of Messrs Steel and Scott, shipbuilders, Greenock, has retired and received several presentation.
The Rev Matthew Babington, assistant, Grieff, has been appointed assistant in St Matthew's Parish Church, Glasgow, in succession to the Rev David Logan Blair, minister-elect of Coylton. Both ministers belong to Kilwinning.
July 1, 1904
Robert Baillie, 81 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, announced that he has commenced business as a salt and whiting merchant at Glasgow Street (shed formerly occupied by Mr Cook, cooper) and at the Harbour.
Master Wm. Heron, Mathieson House, Kilbirnie, has been awarded a scholarship at a bursary at the Speir's School, Beith.
Mr Alex Cormack MA. assistant English master, Ayr Academy, has been appointed in succession to Mr Munro at Ardrossan Academy.
Reverend M McCabe, parish priest St Palladius, Dalry and Kilwinning Mission, has been transferred to the charge at Alexandria. he will be succeeded by the Reverend Father Brown, Gourock.
Rainfall for Saltcoats in June was 1.21 inches. There were 23 dry days during the month.
Notice is given that Allan's charabanc will run from Eglinton Hotel, Ardrossan, to the Eglinton Fete and Fancy fair next week. Return fare 2/-.
Ardrossan Model Yacht Club bazaar aimed at drawing £300, but only half that amount was raised.
A Beith young man who has adopted Canadian agricultural life says his working hours are 5am till 9pm.
In Ardrossan EU Congregational Church Hall, an address was presented to Mr Thomas Miller on his retiring from active participation in the work of the Sunday School.
July 8, 1904
Ardrossan UF Presby sustained a discourse of Mr Fleck, minister of Fairlie UF Church.
John McCorquodale, late pupil and medallist at Eglinton School, Ardrossan and afterwards bursar at the academy, has obtained an appointment in the civil Service. Shorthand certificates have been gained in by Wm. Mathieson, 143 Glasgow St. Ardrossan, and Hugh and Robert Johnstone, South Beach Avenue, Ardrossan.
In the annual bowling match Ayrshire defeated Glasgow by 4303 3808. Dreghorn had the highest up majority, 64, and Dalry, Kilbirnie and Muirkirk tied for second place, majority 47.
The death has taken place of well known Ardrossan bowler, Mr James Goodwin.
Stevenston Whippet Club will hold a whippet dog handicap on Glasgow Fair Saturday in a field near the town.
Kilbirnie Parish Council have fixed rates (poor, registration, burial grounds and education) totalling 1/2d on occupiers.
Masons at Kilbirnie who have been given notice of their 1/2d per hour reduction refused to start work on Monday. The rate is 9d per hour.
At the High Court of Judiciary in Glasgow, Joseph Calabrese, an Italian, was found guilty of the murder of his two daughters and two sons in his house in Montgomerieston St, Kilbirnie. The Jury made a unanimous recommendation to mercy. A special defence of insanity had been intimated.
July 15, 1904
WF Frame, the noted Scots comedian, is giving a concert in Saltcoats next week. The advertisement states: "Doctors rest a week after Frame's visit."
Ex-president Kruger has died at the age of 79.
A three-day fete and fancy fair at Eglinton policies to raise funds to erect a hall in connection with St Andrew's Episcopal Church Hall, Ardrossan, realised £1000.
To cope with increased work during the Glasgow Fair, Ardrossan Constabulary has been temporarily increased by three members.
The vacancy committee of New Parish Church, Ardrossan, has recommended the appointment of the Rev J Kirkland Cameron as assistant to the Rev JD McCall.
In connection with Kilbirnie Mason's dispute, Mr AK Dunbar's men resumed work on Monday at the old rate of wages, 9d per hour.
The farm and lands of Auchenhove, Kilbirnie, were exposed for sale at the upset price of £2500, but there were no bidders.
Mr and Mrs James Smith, Rose Cottage, Cochrane Street, Kilbirnie, celebrated their Golden wedding on Sunday.
In a friendly match of clay pigeons shooting on the beach at Fairlie, Messrs McAuley, Murdoch, and Parker were the top scorers.
July 22, 1904
A musical fete and promenade concert, organised by Mr Walter Freer on behalf of Saltcoats Burgh Band Fund, took place in the Holm Plantation on Saturday afternoon.
Mr Howie, baker, Hamilton Street, Saltcoats, has been introduced to his premises one of the latest improved soda fountains.
Three Beith personalities, Mr Alex Kerr, Clerk of the Parish Council, Mr John Wilson, Ingledene and Mr R McKissock, have just concluded a tour of Belgium and Holland.
Mr James Boyd, Dalry, sheriff officer, has been admitted a messenger at arms by the Lord Lyon King at Arms.
A Kilwinning paragraph says the number of visitors to the town during Glasgow Fair holidays is increasing. On Saturday night Main Street looked more like, say Argyle Street, Glasgow, or Dockhead Street, Saltcoats.
Mr William Miller, of Burnfoot, Fairlie, is the first member of an ambulance class to receive a medal from the St Andrew's Ambulance Association for the saving of a life. At Fairlie station a man stumbled and fell on the line just as a train emerged from the tunnel and Mr Miller jumped from the platform and dragged the man clear just in time. The medal awarded him has just be newly instituted.
A little boy, John Shaw, son of Mr Robert Shaw, tailor, Kilbirnie, while playing on the third storey of a new tenement being erected by Mr James Templeton on Holmhead feu fell to the ground. he had a miraculous escape, landing in a pool of water suffering only a few bruises.
July 29, 1904
E Senior & Sons, Saltcoats, are offering the latest Nicolo records for gramophones. These records are unbreakable and non-scratching and are priced at 1/- for standard size and 2/6d for concert size.
The result of voting for the election of colleague and successor to the Rev John D McCall, New Ardrossan Parish Church, was:- For Rev Kirkland Cameron, 359; against, 6.
In the inter parish road show at Beith for the Knox Rose Bowl, Dalry were the winners for the fourth year in succession.
In a model yacht race under the auspices of Townhead Model Yacht Club on Kilbirnie Loch the result was: 1, John Martin, jun (Thistle); 2, James Martin (Swift); 3, John Martin (Helena); 4, William McCosh (Reliance)); 5, William Taylor (Genesta); 6, John Taylor (Bona); 7, Robert Taylor (Rover); 8, Robert Martin (Fairlie).
August 6, 1904
David Given, professional of Irvine Golf Club, broke the professional record for Bogside course by returning a 65 - five strokes under the record established by Neaves half a dozen years previously. His outward score was 35 and he came home in 30.
Mr JJ Boyd Gilmour, solicitor, Ardrossan and Stevenston has been appointed joint Procurator Fiscal of the JP for the Saltcoats district.
Mr David C Urie, a former pupil of Mr Duguid's, headmaster of Winton Primary School, Ardrossan, has passed the South Kensington Science and Art examination in fifth stage mathematics.
Mr John Harvey, son of Police Judge Harvey, Ardrossan, has won at the Glasgow Athenaeum a £5 bursary with honours for violin playing.
In a bowling match, Saltcoats (skips, James Hamilton, Hugh Thomson, A Ritchie, John Yuille, G Armour, W Fortheringham) beat Ardrossan (Captain Torrance, John Allison, John Lambert, JP Wallace, T Campbell and John Barclay) by 33 shots.
The death took place on Sunday of Provost Alexander Guthrie, Saltcoats. He had held the position of Provost since 1899.
Saltcoats burgh rates are:- owners, 1/4d occupiers 2/2d.
The golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Hugh Borland, New Street, Dalry, was celebrated on July 22.
August 12, 1904
As a result of complaints about the reckless speed at which motor cars are driven through Ardrossan, the Town Council has applied to the Secretary of State for Scotland for power to limit the speed passing through the burgh to eight miles an per hour. Similar complaints were made at a Kilwinning Town Council meeting.
An explosion occurred as the result of an escape of gas at the new storey building at Five Roads, Kilwinning, and three of the flats were partially wrecked.
Hauls of mackerel are being had off Troon and everybody with a boat is out.
In a race held by Ardrossan Model Yacht Club prizes by Captain Murchie the result was:- 1, "Red Lancer" (A. McLean, jun); 2, "Fiona" (H Huges); 3, "May-mon" D. Crawford).
Kilwinning Homing Society's third young bird race (80 miles) 14 members sending 90 birds, resulted:- Watt, 894; Gray, 851; McMaster, 836, T Morrison, 832; Paterson; Hislop, 713; Reid, 644.
August 19, 1904
The death took place on Friday, August 12, of Lieutenant Colonel Hunter-Weston of Hunterston, at the age of 81. He had a distinguished military career and took a prominent part in events associated with the Indian Mutiny.
Sergeant David Robertson, Canal Street, Saltcoats, who was drill instructor and attendance officer in Stevenston Parish School Board, died on Friday; aged 65.
In a gale during Sunday night the ladies' bathing shelter on the West Shore , Saltcoats, was wrecked and swept away. The Seaside Entertainers' Platform was swept from its stance and various stall and a boat hirers, house was also washed away.
A golf club of more than 40 members called the Glencairn Golf Club will take over the course vacated by Ardeer Golf Club in favour of their new course.
Beith Instrumental Band gained second place to Newmilns Band in the Ayrshire Championship.
The bazaar held by West Kilbride Bowling Club raised £425, which is £75 over the amount aimed at.
The total points gained in the Kilbirnie Townhead Model Yacht Club races on Kilbirnie Loch were:- John Martin jnr's Thistle, 15; James Martin's Swift, 10; John Martin's Elena, 10; Robert Martin's Fairlie, 3; William McCosh's Rehance, 3; William Taylor's Genesta 2; Robert Taylor's Boxer, 1and John Taylor's Bona, 1.
August 26, 1904
The death took place as the result of an accident at Middleburg, Transvaal, of Mr James Kinloch Cook, eldest son of Mr James Cook, Town Clerk, Ardrossan.
Mr John Shaw, a native of Saltcoats, has died at Montreal. he possessed musical abilities and the Psalm tune known as "Landsborough" was largely his composition. he was a son of Captain Shaw of the Allan Line.
Colonel Aylmer Hunter-Weston has been appointed Deputy-Assistant-Adjutant General to the 4th Army Corps.
Charles McCallum, Saltcoats and James Jackson, Dalry, students of Ayrshire Education Committee mining classes have obtained Under-Manager's certificates.
A Successful water carnival, organised by one of the visitors, Mr Bolland, took place in Brodick bay on Tuesday evening. about 30 boats turned out prettily decorated and illuminated with fairy lamps and Chinese lanterns. after rowing round the bay they anchored round the yacht Doris, where a concert was given. Yachts in the bay discharged fireworks.
On Ardrossan bowling green James Tyre beat CA Simpson in the final for the vice-president's prize by 21-5. the final of the rinks competition was won by William Brown against John Barclay by one shot.
A marriage presentation was made to Mr James Smith, principal assistant, Glengarnock School.
September 2, 1904
A native of Ardrossan, Mr Matthew Wilson, headmaster of Johnstone Public School, was on Tuesday night killed on the railway near Paisley. he was highly esteemed by all who knew him.
Lamlash golf clubhouse was last Saturday opened by her grace the Duchess of Hamilton. The ducal party, which included Lady Mary Hamilton, was welcomed by Mr Yates, president, Mr Sweet, Mr JM Gibson and other members of the committee. it was intimated that Her Grace had presented to the Club a silver cup to be competed for annually by the members.
Mr John Houston, the popular purser of the Caledonian Steamer, Duchess of Hamilton was on Saturday presented with a purse of sovereigns to mark the occasion of his marriage.
Two tablets in memory respectively of the Rev Geo Russell and the Rev Geo Morris, former ministers in Courthill Church, Dalry, were unveiled in the church on Sunday.
In the presence of a gathering on Monday at the new "Stock" bridge over the Garnock, near to Glengarnock Castle, Mr Bryce M Knox of Redheugh, riveted the last rivet in the ironwork part of the structure.
Mr Robert Maxwell, ex-amateur champion, compiled a record score of 66 over Prestwick golf course. He was 30 out and 36
in. Harry Vardon holds the record in a competition, 72
September 8, 1904
Among the winners of awards in the Scottish Section of Bakers and Confectionery Exhibition, London, are Mr J Morrison (Stevenston), Mr T Blair (Dalry), and Mr J McMurtrie, Irvine.
In the final of Ardrossan Bowling Club's annual tournament John Barclay beat William Tannock by 17-15, and the result of the consolation final was Robert Bradley, 11; HA Jacobs 6.
William Roe, a lawyer of some standing in America, received his early education in Eglinton Ironworks School, Kilwinning.
Dr John Ker Ramsay, who is one of the most popular doctors in the southern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, is a native of Beith.
A concert company from Dalry on Friday evening entertained the navvies and other workmen employed in the Irvine Waterworks Contract. The party included the Garnock Glee Party under George Geddes, William Geddes, miss M Boyd and Messrs James Boyd and John Henderson.
Mr James Allan, of Dykes, Kilbirnie, was appointed chairman of the new Kilbirnie and Glengarnock Sub-Committee. Mr Walter Wilson, Beith, is clerk and Mr David Whiteford, Kilbirnie, depute clerk.
A private yachting match was sailed on Tuesday from Fairlie Bay between Mrs Parker's Lapwing and Mr CS Parker's Margaret. The former, which was sailed by Miss Winifred Parker won. The latter was sailed by Mr Evelyn Parker.
September 16, 1904
At Saltcoats Flower Show the most successful amateur exhibitor was G Armour with 56 points and J Greenlees was next with 55 points.
At Kilwinning flower show G Richmond won most prizes with 32 firsts, 18 seconds and 5 thirds, and J Colthart was next with 16 firsts, 9 seconds and 19 thirds. In the baking classes, Mrs R Howie was most successful with 1 first, 2 seconds and 1 third.
Note: Many of the articles in this week's image file are repeats from the previous week.
September 23, 1904
Members of the Ardrossan and West Kilbride Farmers' Society and friends met in the Eglinton Hotel, Ardrossan, where they entertained Mr Andrew Stirrat, a former secretary of the society and presented him with a testimonial.
Not a few Ayrshire football enthusiasts journeyed to Glasgow to join the welcome to RS McColl, who appeared for Rangers in the game at New Hampden.
The new golf course at Ardeer was informally opened on Saturday with play in the Autumn competition. William Reid with the best scratch score 81 won the club's gold medal. other scores included Thomas Harvey (6) 89, second prize; the Rev J Adams (8) 93. The Robertson Medal was won by Barclay Hogarth (a junior member) with (10), 92.
About 4.o'clock on Sunday morning an earthquake shock was felt on the shores of the Firth of Clyde and the Kyles of Bute. The disturbance was accompanied by a deep, rumbling sound. At the Cloch Lighthouse the keeper felt the shock severely, the tower shaking to an alarming extent.
Mr James Reid who is leaving for India, was presented with a gold watch etc by fellow employees of Glengarnock and Iron Steel Co. Ltd, Stevenston. Mr William Gibson presided over the gathering and Mr John Scott made the presentation.
Among the ten passengers injured in a collision at St Enoch Station, Glasgow, on Saturday night were Mrs Hughes of Dalry, Mrs Nelson and Mr William Robertson and Mrs Robertson, all of Glengarnock, and Mr James Clark Kilbirnie.
September 30, 1904
Mr John Galloway, Homehill, Bridge of Allan, and formerly of Kilmeny, Ardrossan, died on Sunday. before his retiral from the business he was head of the well-known Glasgow firm of shipowners, Patrick Henderson & Co. He took a deep interest in religious and photographic works and provided a home at Saltcoats for destitute Glasgow children.
The Ayrshire District of Rechabites has a membership of 5416 adults, 2585 juveniles, 286 members' wives and widows and 67 honorary members.
The Rev J Kirkland Cameron was yesterday ordained as and inducted as colleague and successor to the Rev JD McCall, Ardrossan New Parish Church.
Mr John Orr a native of Ardrossan and the son of the late John Orr, shipping agent, is president of the Melbourne Burns Club. he was educated at Irvine Royal Academy.
The closing of the right-of-way round by the quarry is still a burning question in Stevenston.
Mr Arthur Scruton, missionary, Biggart memorial Mission Hall, Dalry is leaving for another sphere of work in Edinburgh.
The dwelling house, Bellstone, near Dalry, belonging to Mrs Barlow, was destroyed by fire on Sunday night.
On Sunday, the Rev Father O'Reilly, Glengarnock, who has been ordained, said his first Mass in St Bridget's RC Church, Kilbirnie. He was assisted by the Rev Father Hopwell, PP.
October 7, 1904
A "Threshing" states - The general impression prevails that the "Wee Frees" intend to take South Beach Church, Saltcoats.
Seventy-three candidates competed for the position of officer and drill instructor under Stevenston School Board. Colour-Sergeant Guthrie, Johnstone, was appointed.
Fairlie merchants have agreed to close their shops at 7pm on weeknights while on Saturday the closing hour is 9pm. the hope is expressed that no one will grudge the shopkeepers their shorter hours.
The Monday night rink game at West Kilbride Bowling Green during the season resulted:- 1 Janet Wilson, 72; 2 J Hood Gemmell, 49; 3 Robert Craig, 63; 4 JC Jack, 62.
Two barrels, a piece of rail, a plank, and an old railway sleeper were found on the G&SW Railway line between Saltcoats and Stevenston on Saturday evening. It is stated that this was the third attempt at train wrecking in the district in the past two years.
October 14, 1904
Joseph Wright, Esq, author of "Tween The Gloaming" And "The Mirk" (Inventor and Proprietor of the "Drookoo" Umbrellas) will lecture in Landsborough Church, Saltcoats on Monday, on Janet Hamilton, Poetess and Working Shoemaker's Wife."
Ardrossan Town Council had before them communications from the Motor Union, the automobile Club, and the Scottish Automobile Club in Glasgow, protesting against the Council's application to the Scottish Office to have the speed of motor cars passing through the burgh limited to 10 miles per hour.
Dockhead Street, Saltcoats, is now being re-paved with square-dressed whin setts on a bed of concrete. It was first paved in 1863 at a cost of £315.
Dalry School Board are anxious to do their duty and would impress on all residents in Highfield District to discourage the growing tendency amongst boys there to play truant.
Mr JD Falconer, son of Mr Falconer, gardener, Trearne, Beith, has been appointed by the Colonial Office principal of the mineral survey of Northern Nigeria.
At Ardrossan Bowling Club supper, Councillor Goodwin said that the trade of Ardrossan was in a very depressed state and in municipal affairs there was a good deal of debt to clear off.
October 21, 1904
John Barclay (75), retired farmer, lately tenant of Harperland, Dundonald, was gored by a young bull at Belston Farm, near Ayr.
Mr William Gray, fisherman, Barassie Street, Troon, found in one of his creels a monster lobster, 25 1/2 inches long and weighing 5 1/2lbs. he intends to present it to the Kelvinside Museum.
Mr William Howie, Saltcoats, was presented by the Printing office employees of Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald with a travelling bag and a book on his leaving the office after 19 years' service on the composing room staff.
Two hundred barrels of Canadian and American apples will be sold by public auction by Messrs McKellar, Ardrossan, on Thursday.
The contractors for the enlargement of Stevenston Public School are Mr John Young, Mr H Thomson, Messrs J Love & son, Mr A Ramsay and Mr D Stobie.
The inauguration of the new gasometer in Kilbirnie took place on Thursday. Provost Howie performed the opening ceremony.
October 28, 1904
At Saltcoats Literary and Debating Society meeting Mr J Edwards, MA. BSc spoke on "Radium". the latest discovery in science.
Bunting was flying at Ardrossan harbour on Thursday in connection with the wedding of Mr Stanley Crawford Hogarth of the "Baron" Line of steamships and Miss Susan Heys Strang, Westood, Busby.
Simpson, Hunter and Young, Glasgow offer among other new lines two-skin mink necklets, satin-lined, 55/- and four-skin mink stoles, satin lined, 5 guineas.
Dalry Chess Club was formed last Monday. Office bearers are:- Donald Campbell, MA, David McLeod, Dr Brown, Messrs Gibson and Gorman.
Dalry factories are working short time and winter prospects are anything but good.
As a public testimonial to Mr R Knox of Moorpark, a commemorative tablet and ornamental lamp are about to be erected on the new wall of the north side of the institute bridge, Kilbirnie.
Saltcoats Burgh Band three-days bazaar realised £476, and certain sums have to be added.
Mr James Oliphant jnr, a native of Dalry has won the cup and first prize handicap of the Isle of Dogs Bowling Club, London.
November 4, 1904
Electric light is being introduced to the offices at Ardrossan Harbour.
Mr Graves is endeavouring to raise an amateur company in Saltcoats to present the Gilbert and Sullivan opera The Pirates of Penzance.
In the production of For Lust of Gold by the amateur dramatic association connected with St Mary's League of the Cross, Saltcoats, M Reilly, Mr D White and Miss K Brady were outstanding in good cast.
Miss M Craig, senior assistant in the infant department, Eglinton School, Ardrossan, has been appointed to a post under the Dreghorn School Board.
Miss Agnes Kerr (Mrs Robert Shaw jnr) Mathieson House, Kilbirnie, was awarded the audience gold medal for soprano singing at Wishaw Co-operative singing competition on Saturday.
During the season 7000 tons of potatoes were put on rail at West Kilbride station.
November 11, 1904
The business of hairdresser, tobacconist and fancy goods merchant carried on by Mr Grainger has been taken over by Messrs Orr & Co.
Among the young dancers at Mr W Fotheringham's juvenile assembly were Misses Meadows, Hamilton, Macpherson, Taylor, Kirkwood, Rankin and Masters A Hamilton, J Dunkeld and W Hamilton.
Master James Lyle, son of Sergeant Lyle, Police Station, Saltcoats, has won first prize in a drawing competition in connection with "The Children's Paper".
At Stevenston School Board meeting it was announced that four pupils had passed from Stevenston School to the University without attending the Secondary School.
Mr John Walker, Over Hessilhead, Beith, and Mr WT Ritchie, Beith, have been capped MA at Glasgow University.
Miss Janet Skeoch, under Dalry School Board, has been appointed infant mistress at Fergushill School.
November 18, 1904
It is advertised that, after the performance of the drama The Shamrock and the Rose by members of St Mary's League of the Cross, Saltcoats, in the League Hall on November 25, a special train will leave Saltcoats at 10.35am for Stevenston, Kilwinning and Glasgow, with Irvine and Glasgow connections.
At a social meeting in Landsborough UF Church, Saltcoats, a handsome silver medal was presented to ES Wilson, superintendent of the Sabbath School, from the Sunday Companion in recognition of his 40 years' service in SS work.
At the 13th show of chrysanthemums and winter flowers in Dalry the silver cup presented by Colonel Gow for most points was won for the second successive time by Mr William Hood. he won 14 firsts, four seconds and two thirds. The cup became his property. Other first-prize winners were: John Anderson, S McConnachie and R Gilbert.
Ardeer Golf Club medal winners were William Reid (plus 4) and JW Cardwell (10), 89.
November 25 1904
A series of wresting bouts took place last week in the assembly Hall, Ardrossan. In the final McGregor beat Mckerrell by two falls to one. McGregor thereafter challenged any man in the hall but the challenge was not accepted.
The committee of the Police-aided Scheme for Clothing Poor Children, Saltcoats announce that during last winter a pair of stockings and a pair of boots were issued to each of 61 children.
A Saltcoats man, captain Hugh Young of the Anchor Line, is retiring after 36 years service with the company.
Ardrossan Parish Council have secured new offices at the corner of Hamilton Street and Winton Street, Saltcoats.
The death has taken place of Mr Henry Muir, builder, Saltcoats, in his 72nd year. he served his apprenticeship with Mr John Barr, afterwards Provost of Ardrossan.
Fire broke out early on Wednesday morning at Dalry Public School and two classrooms were badly damaged.
Mr Hugh Easdale, G&SW lorryman, Kilbirnie (Hughie the Lorryman) has been presented with a public testimonial on his retiral.
Kilbirnie Juvenile Amateur Dramatic Company, under Mr Frank Watt, presented on Thursday evening "Rob Roy". The leading male parts were played by masters John Barclay, Alex Chapel, James Houston, John Martin, Matthew Knox, Thomas McCosh, Robert Hunter, Daniel, Archibald, John Watt and Archibald Sharp. The successful female characters were impersonated by Misses Mary Law, Annie Watt, Janet Spears and Nellie McIlwraith.
December 2, 1904
Mr CO Lundholm, Nobel House, Stevenston, has been elected to represent Stevenston and Ardrossan on the County Council.
Mr Watson, teacher, Eglinton School, Ardrossan has received an appointment in Falkirk.
The death is announced of Mr Condy Condochan, who was for nine years greenkeeper of Ardrossan Bowling Club.
Early on Saturday morning the drying house of Auchenharvie Brickwork , Stevenston, belonging to the Glengarnock Iron and Steel Company, was completely destroyed by fire.
Mr James Ballantyne, formerly gas manager, Stevenston, is in charge of the erection of electric plant for a branch of the Edison ore Company in Norway.
At a fashionable wedding in London, the bride was Miss Wilhelmina Simon Tennent, daughter of the late William Middleton Tennent, Holland House, West Kilbride, Dr Stephen Inglis, St Leonards-on-Sea, was the bridegroom.
December 9, 1904
David Edgar, guard on a goods train from Ardrossan on Monday, was killed during shunting operations at Kilwinning.
A special service was held in the Parish Church, Saltcoats, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the presentation to the church of the model frigate that has been suspended from the ceiling throughout the last century.
At the annual supper of the Royal Arch Chapter No 223 in the Eglinton Arms Hotel, Ardrossan, among those who contributed songs and readings were Bros. Gordon, Dr Macdonald, W Adams, Sam Goodwin, John Stewart, McKirdy, H Flinn, W Legg, FW Larter, W Gillies, Conway and W Hastings.
Miss Joan Galbraith, daughter of Mr Galbraith, gas manager, Ardrossan, having finished her training as nurse in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, is leaving shortly for London, having received an appointment in Mildmay Home.
At Stevenston ratepayer's meeting, a ratepayer said the roads at Ardoch Crescent and Caledonian Station were in such a muddy state that they were a disgrace to Stevenston.
Mr Hugh Crawford, organist of Head Street Church Bible Class, was presented by the class with a marble timepiece. Mr Andrew Gillespie handed over the gift.
Mr Wm. Munro, Dalry Higher Grade School, has passed the final examination for the degree of BA at London University.
At a complimentary supper given to Mr Samuel Kerr, inspector of the poor, Beith, Mr Kerr was presented with a timepiece and Mrs Kerr with a bracelet.
Mr Robert McNish, a prominent citizen of Glasgow, died at his Ayrshire residence, Ardenlea, West Kilbride, on Monday.
Almost 60 couples attended Dalry Bowler's Ball. Mr Hugh Shedden was MC assisted by Mr Jason McLelland. The King Family provided the music and Mr McGregor, the auld House, purveyed. Mr JM Campbell was secretary.
In the final of the Beith Liberal Club's billiards tournament, Mr Peter Houston defeated his brother, Mr Tom Houston, by 43 in a game of 200 up level. Mr Robert Fulton won the young players' competition with Mr Hugh Smith (mason) second.
December 16, 1904
The Royal Marine Light Infantry and Royal Marine Artillery are advertising for recruits. The pay is 8/2d to 11/3d weekly, with kit and rations free.
Proprietors of properties in Mongomerie Street immediately behind Kilmahew petitioned Ardrossan Town Council to rename that section of the lane Montgomerie Place. The petition was rejected by six votes to three.
At Saltcoats Town Council meeting it was reported that frequently at concerts in the Town Hall, people in the cheaper back seats "rushed" to front seats to the exclusion of the better-paying concert-goers. The Finance Committee will consider the complaint.
The street lighting in Saltcoats for the past year cost £85.
The second annual re-union under the auspices of Kilbirnie Mutual Agreement Association was held in the Arcade Hall, Boston, USA on November 23. President AC McMillan was in the chair and the company numbered 70. "Is this Boston or Kilbirnie?: asked a well known citizen on entering the hall. "There is no Boston for the next eight hours" was the reply.
December 23, 1904
The following were the principal prize-winners in the rifle shooting competition of the 1st VB RSF Saltcoats Company: Rose Bowl for year and badge - Pte Alex Forrester, Recruits Medal, Pte RB Lockhart; Ladies Ring - Col. Sergt. Carson.
Mr James Stewart, G & SW railway guard, Ardrossan, who has completed 50 years service, was presented with a purse of sovereigns at a gathering of railway servants.
Mr Jas. H Orr, 32 Dockhead Street, Saltcoats, has been promoted from Dennistoun branch of the Bank of Scotland to the head office Glasgow.
Fire broke out on Monday night at the stables at the Hayocks, Stevenston. the damage amounted to between £400 and £500.
Dr DP Gage, Kilwinning, has been appointed by the Home Office as certifying surgeon for the district under the Factory and Workshop Act in succession to Dr Milroy.
In Dalry Curling Club silver jug competition results were: James McLennan, 18; R Malcolm, 17; John Brown, 17; A McNeilly. 10.
Damage amounting to to several thousands of pounds was done by a fire last Thursday night at the premises of Cunningham and Nicol, cabinet makers, at the junction of Sharon Street and West End, Dalry.
Mr Angus Cameron, contractor, Ardrossan, died on Wednesday.
Sergt. Galloway, Ardrossan, was MC at the Ayrshire Constabulary Ball.
In a chess match, Dalry Public School staff (D Campbell, J Gibson, A Ramsay, W Smith and G Ballantyne) beat Dalry Chess Club (J Muldoon, J Gorman, G McConnell, Thos. Cochrane and D McLeod) by 3 to 2.
A lamp and tablet has been erected on the Institute Bridge, Kilbirnie, as a public testimonial to Mr RW Knox in appreciation of his gifts to the community. the tablet was unveiled and the lamp lighted in the presence of a large gathering on Saturday evening, December 16.
December 30, 1904
Among the Christmas bargains offered in our advertisement columns are:- Lovely white Jap silk blouses from 3/11d. children's silk dresses from 7/6d. real Shetland shawls from 3/11d. sea clothes from 4/11d. duchess sets from 7/6d. and bed spreads from 27/6d.
Mr Cyril W Porter, Elring House, Ardrossan, has passed his examination as a chartered accountant.
In a debate at Saltcoats "Literary" meeting, Mr Sam Noble spoke in favour of a modified form of conscription and Mr Thomas Scott led the argument for "no conscription". Mr John Miller presided.
Burglars who entered Mr John Eadie's public house in Saltcoats early on Saturday morning found very little money but did much damage. They turned on the taps of liquor barrels and the blend of liquors which covered the floor included 20 gallons of whisky.
Mr Whiteford, who left Kilmory School for Roxburgh Public School about a year ago, was, along with his wife, made the recipient of presentations from the Roxburgh scholars before the closing of the school for the holidays.
The presentation of a purse of sovereigns by the G&SW Railway staff, traders and others in Stevenston was made to Mr James Frew, who retired after 43 years service on the railway. Mr Robert Glen, stationmaster, presided and Mr Alexander M Brownlie, goods clerk, handed over the gift.
Stevenston Co-op Society's sales for the past quarter totalled £7326 and the dividend is 3/4d in the £.
The death is announced of Mrs Alexander Wilson of Easterhill, Dalry.
The Alpha Cabinet Works Kilbirnie (Grey & Co) were destroyed by fire on Friday morning.
Result of billiards handicap in West Kilbride Public Institute was :- 1 Robert Hunter; 2, Dan Brown; 3 Thomas Cook.