1899 | 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906
Herald Files - Snippets from the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald
January 4, 1901
Mr Archibald Murchie who has died, was an old Saltcoats compositor, one of the first of the staff of the A&S Herald. He was employed in the office when the first proof of the paper printed. He was afterwards for a long time on the staff of the Glasgow Herald.
A branch of the Catholic Benefit Society has been established in Saltcoats.
A new juvenile football club, Ardeer Wanderers has been formed in Stevenston and has been doing well.
Mr Alex Leslie, stationmaster at Auchinleck, has been appointed stationmaster at Kilwinning.
January 11, 1901
Ardrossan Commissioners and burgh officials have now entered upon the occupancy of Kilmahew as municipal buildings.
Formal possession of premises was taken on Tuesday when a company of commissioners, officials and representatives of the Burgh of Saltcoats were hospitably entertained by Provost Young.
January 18, 1901
Mr J Vickers has been appointed president of Ardrossan EU Congregation Church, Mr Thomas Watson, secretary, and Messrs H Bain and T Wilson, auditors.
February 1, 1901
On Tuesday an explosion took place at Ardeer Factory. Rose O'Hare, Bradshaw Street, Saltcoats was killed and three other girls were injured.
Sheriff Martin's decision in the church dispute at Whiting Bay is that the Free Church congregation and the Untited Free Church congregation shall each be entitled to the use of the church on every alternate Sunday and during the following weekdays.
Lulu Bell Cottage, 32 Ardrossan Road, Saltcoats has been purchased by Mr James Buchanan by Mr M McArthur, Green Street, Saltcoats.
In a debate at Ardrossan Literary Society on "Is marriage a failure?" there was a majority of two for the negative. Mr F Blythe and Mr D Gemmell led the negative argument, and Mr J Stewart and mr J Stirling the affirmative.
Mr Thomson, Ardrossan, has launched a fishing boat for Campbelltown named the "Mary McLellan.
February 8, 1901
The funeral of Queen Victoria took place on Saturday afternoon amid universal manifestations of reverence and grief.
Locally, as in other towns some private houses had blinds drawn and some shops were draped in black or black and purple.
Work was practically suspended and memorial services were held in churches. But the golfers' train to and from Ayr was run as usual on Saturday.
The silver cup for the best cow shown at the Kilwinning Auction Market Weekly Sale was won by Mr Parker, Sidehouse, near Kilbirnie.
In the Mission Hall, Dalry, The Mission Juvenile Choir of 40 voices, under the leadership of Mr JM Fisher, and with Miss MM Aitken at the organ, rendered the service of song "Humpty Dumpty".
The following lads from Irvine have volunteered for service in South Africa:- Messrs Campbell, Crawford, Hannah, Macallister, Hamil, Smith and Kentfield.
February 15, 1901
Calder's famous cinematograph show is coming to Ardrossan and Saltcoats. It will include the impressive spectacle of the Queen's funeral.
Miss M Finlay, Sydney Street, Saltcoats, daughter of Inspector Finlay, Ayrshire Constabulary, takes first prize in the current issue of the "Weekly Welcome" for the best article on why girls don't marry.
Sergeant William Dodds, instructor of the gymnastic class for members of the volunteers in Ardrossan, has been presented by the class members with a gold-mounted umbrella.
Lord Inverclyde (Mr John Burns) head of the firm of G&J Burns shipowners, died on Tuesday at castle Wemyss. lady Inverclyde survived her husband by only one day and will be interred at the same time tomorrow.
At a smoking concert under the auspices of the Glencairn Golf Club. Stevenston, the chairman Mr Gow Sinclair said that so far as he knew , the club was the only working men's golf club in Ayrshire.
February 22, 1901
Mr PM Wylie, a Saltcoats native, is, according to the "Tailor and Cutter", one of the shining lights of the tailoring trade in the North of England.
In a curling match, three rinks from West of Scotland Cabinet Works, Beith (John Arthur, peter Mitchell and A Peddie, skips) beat three rinks from Caledonia Cabinet Works, Beith (R Hamilton, Sam Gardener and Robert Urquhart, skips) by 51-38.
March 1, 1901
Major General Sir Archibald Hunter, who distinguished himself in the South African War, arrived at his mother's residence, Highthome, West Kilbride, after an absence of nearly two years. At his express wish there was no public demonstration or welcome.
Mr Robert Gray, son of Mr Archibald Gray of Middleton, Dalry, has been appointed resident engineer in connection with the new dock extension scheme at Grangemouth.
There are 70 applications for the position of salesman in the Beith Co-operative Store.
March 8, 1901
A Kilwinning Parish Council meeting on Monday evening broke up in disorder after half an hour's noisy altercation arising out of the question on the correctness of a minute.
Dr Ormonde and the world famous Ormonde Family will entertain in the Assembly hall, Ardrossan, On Monday night.
Ardrossan Shakespeare reading Club have a membership of 12. Sir Henry Irving has promised the secretary copies of the copyright plays in his repertoire.
The ploughmen of the Southend of Arran held a ball in Kilmory Schoolhouse, Mr Tom McNish was the fiddler. The dancing ended at 5 am.
James Allan, Beith FC, played centre forward for Celtic against Queens Park in an inter-City League match on Saturday.
March 15, 1901
A new song, "The King of the Road," with music by Vincent Kerr, was sung by Mr JK Campbell at the Saltcoats Musical and Drama Association concert - it was specially written for the concert. Another of the singers was Mr Henry McGee. A dramatic sketch "Turn Him Out" was performed by Misses Ida Lawrence and Jessie Riley and Messrs Alex Armour, Charles McGee and William Fraser.
Mr Thomas B Cockburn, for many years a member of the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald staff, was entertained at a cake and wine banquet in the Eglinton Hotel, Ardrossan, by a representative gathering of townsmen on the occasion of his leaving for Canada. presentations were made to him.
Mr William Taylor's juvenile class gave their kinderspiel entertainment "Tickle Fortune" in the Conservative Hall, Stevenston.
March 22, 1901
Ayrshire's new JPs include:- Messrs H Hogarth and Lewis Porter, Ardrossan; WRE Alexander, West Kilbride, David Kyle and George Wilson, Dalry; David Fullarton, Troon, and Norman McLauchlan, Largs.
Park United Free Church, Ardrossan, have elected Mr John Adams, pres; Mr R Smith, clerk, Mr EJ Hill, treasurer and JW Butters, WC Guthrie and Hugh Gilfillan, managers.
Mr TS Lyon, foreman, dynamite department, Ardeer Factory, received a workers' presentation on his being transferred to another department.
Out of 70 applications Mr W Pettigrew has been appointed salesman by Beith Co-operative Society.
March 29, 1901
Mr William McKelvie, Cambuslang has been appointed janitor of Saltcoats Public School. Mr Robert Henderson has been appointed report officer to the local School Board.
Mr Alex Roy, upholsterer, Townhead Road, Beith, has joined the Baden Powell Police and sailed for South Africa on Wednesday.
Among the nominations for the Chair of Church History in Edinburgh sent forward by Ardrossan UF Presbytery was that of Rev William McGilchrist, Park Church, Ardrossan. The Rev RM Adamson, Ardrossan, moved the nomination and the Rev Drummond-Taylor seconded.
The pleasant Saturday evenings in the Good Templars Hall, Dalry, closed for the season on Saturday. Mr George Geddes presided and the programme was sustained by the Beith Male Voice Quartette, Mr James Crossan, tenor, Kilbirnie, and Mr John Wilson, violinist, Dalry.
April 5, 1901
Mrs Shannon, Well Neuk Cottage, Saltcoats, has secured first prize, a handsome china tea set, offered by Mr D McDermid, Park House, Parkhead, Glasgow, she being the largest purchaser of goods during Mr McDermid's Spring Sale.
A nine-hole golf course has been added to the attraction at Whiting Bay.
A coasting steamer, the "Silver City", was launched at Ardrossan on Sunday. At a cake and wine banquet in the moulding loft, Mr AW Robertson, managing director, presided and the other speakers included Mr McVicar, yard manager, Mr William Martin and Captain Shields.
Rainfall at Saltcoats for February was 1.55 inches and march 2.45 inches.
Mr William Leith has been appointed organist of Overton UF Church, West Kilbride, Messrs James Scott, Robert Reid and John Sheriff have been elected to the eldership.
April 12, 1901
Mr AJ Ritchie was spokesman for a deputation to Saltcoats Town Council representing the proprietors and ratepayers in the vicinity of Melbourne Park. They objected to the proposal to erect a lavatory in the park.
At a meeting of Kilwinning Town council it was stated that an extra policeman would cost the burgh £36 a year.
The Rev James Wallace has been inducted to Beith EU Congregational Church.
The trustees of Dalry female School of Industry and Kersland Barony School have agreed, subject to certain conditions to transfer these schools to the School Board of Dalry.
April 19, 1901
Robert Wallace, aereated water manufacturer, Saltcoats, intimates that he has just acquired the business of leckie & Co, aereated water manufacturers, Quay Street, Saltcoats.
At a meeting of Ardrossan United Free Presbytery at Whiting bay it was agreed that, as the Rev John Kennedy Cameron, Brodick, had declined to recognise the jurisdiction of this Presbytery, his name be deleted from the roll of the Presbytery and the charge of Kilbride in connection with UF Presbytery of Ardrossan be declared vacant.
A Salvage party numbering 63 men left Greenock on Thursday last bound for San Domingo. Of the company 23 are from Ardrossan and four from Saltcoats. The men received a hearty send off at Ardrossan station.
The census returns for 1901 for the burgh of Ardrossan were:- 3025 males and 3020 females; total 6045.
April 26, 1901
The 1901 census returns published include Stevenston (town and parish) 9428 (3289 increase since 1891; Kilbirnie (town and parish) 7207; West Kilbride, 2933.
A new bakery and shop will be established this season in Shiskine. It will be carried on by Mr Donald Bannatyne of Blackwaterfoot, who has been trained in Glasgow.
One of the oldest footballers in Ayrshire, James Campbell, Kilwinning Eglinton, is retiring this season and St. Mirren and Eglinton will play a benefit game for him next week.
Mr Thomas McMeeking, teller, British Linen bank, Dalry, has been appointed to the Nairn branch and his successor is Mr AR Hood from Kilmarnock.
Mr Matthew Whiteford, Kilbirnie. teacher, has passed his examination for the MA degree at Glasgow University.
May 3, 1901
A Select Committee of the House of Commons began last week the consideration of the G&SW Railway Company's Bill, the chief provision of which confirms the purchase of Troon harbour from the Duke of Portland by the G&SW Railway Company.
Mr Alex Stirrat, who served his apprenticeship with Provost Young, Ardrossan, has passed the Board of Trade examination for extra first class engineer.
Among the leading scorers in the first Scottish Twenty rifle competition were: cycle Sergeant W Hood, Dalry; Sergeant A Watt, Irvine; Lieutenant Sgt W Harvey, Beith; Sergeant AM Ramsay, Dalry; Sgt W Stevenson, Beith and Private A McKay, Irvine
Mr James Maitland, Saltcoats, has been appointed district manager at Paisley of the British Legal Life Assurance Company Ltd.
May 10, 1901
At Stevenston School Board meeting it was stated that they might as well try to fly as to keep the children from attending Saltcoats Fair. One and a half days holiday was granted.
Ardrossan Winton Rovers FC opposed a team selected from their committee last night. The committee were defeated by five to four.
May 17, 1901
Two two-storey blocks of houses have been erected by Mr James Young at Stevenston on the road to the Thistle football field. The range of houses has been designated Ardoch Terrace.
While Mr Clark, baker, Beith, was driving along near Bircieknowe, the van and horse were overturned by a hillock on the roadway. Mr Clark was injured but nor seriously.
Mr Joseph Shaw, manger of Messrs Biggart's Old Mill, Dalry, has been promoted to be manger of the new mill.
The dog-racing idea is likely to catch on at West Kilbride. At the local cattle show the 180 yards race was a feature.
Mr L Fullerton, youngest son of Mr James Fullerton, ironmonger, Ardrossan, occupies 105th place in the list of 200 successful candidates at the Civil Service Examination.
May 24, 1901
Mr William Fotheringham, Saltcoats, has won the bronze medal in the Photographic News' monthly competition for his portrait study. Out of Tune.
The workmen in the mechanic shop of Bridgend Mills, Dalry, and other employees have made a presentation to Mr Thomas Campbell, who is retiring after 38 years service.
On friday Dalry experienced a whirlwind in the vicinity of the station. the wind suddenly increased to great velocity and within a limited space whirled papers and other items round in the air for almost an hour.
Mr Peter Jack has been appointed organist of West Kilbride Parish Church.
Mr and Mrs Andrew Brodie, Mains Road, Beith, celebrated their Golden Wedding on Friday. Mr Brodie is a native of Kilwinning and Mrs Brodie (nee Miss Good) of Saltcoats.
May 31, 1901
Mr George McKellar, Ardrossan, has been appointed for a year contractor of vegetables and fruit to HM warships visiting this part of the Clyde. Last week Mr McKellar supplied more that 44,000 lbs of vegetables to the Fleet of Lamlash.
The second annual excursion of the employees of Saltcoats laundry Co Ltd took place to Ayr on Monday. The trippers numbered about 40.
The Rev M Millar has been called to the UF Church, Stevenston.
The boys who contributed to the programme at the public rehearsal by Miss Greenhill's pupils at Saltcoats were:- Masters W Duncan, R Duguid, D Torrance and Alf Smith.
June 7, 1901
HMS Adder, in her run from Ardrossan to Belfast on Saturday, was from two to three hours late in arriving as the result of two of her floats collapsing. The Vulture took her place on the return journey and reached Ardrossan about 11 pm.
Mr JA Beattie, headmaster, Muir Street, Larkhall, who has celebrated his semi-jubilee as a teacher, was the first pupil of Ardeer Ironworks School and later also its first pupil teacher.
In recognition of her good work in the Dalry district, Nurse Buchanan has received an honorarium of £5 from headquarters.
Mr James Dickie, Town Clerk, Irvine, and local secretary for the national Lifeboat Institution for 27 years, has been presented with the institute's long service decoration.
The corner shop and dwelling house at the shopend, Saltcoats formerly occupied by Mr Gardiner, boot and shoemaker, and the shop and dwelling house next door, are being taken down this week to make way for new buildings which will be set back to widen the thoroughfare at this point.
June 14, 1901
On Sunday afternoon four young men lost their lives when a sailing boat capsized about 400 yards off Ardrossan. They were Robert Pettigrew (20), William Grier (20), William Nelson (16), and David Robertson (16) - all of Ardrossan. The other four lads who were in the boat - Alex Morrison (18), Robert Kerr, John Pettigrew (16), and peter Murchie (16), - were rescued by the Ardrossan pilot boat but which was manned by Messrs Michael Coogan, Thomson Fleming, Daniel Taylor, Andrew Paton and Angus McLean. The pilot boat was speedily at the scene of the disaster but before its arrival, the four who had drowned had sunk and there was no trace of them.
Mr James Boyd, son of Mr James Boyd, joiner, Raise Street, Saltcoats, has passed his examination as second engineer.
Many Ayrshire volunteers have returned from the South African War and have been given enthusiastic public receptions.
The Rev Norman Mackenzie was ordained and inducted to the Whiting Bay United Free Church, Whiting Bay, last Friday.
June 21, 1901
Mr John Gilbert Hay Halket has been appointed Justice of the Peace at Kingston-upon-Hull. He is the only son of the late Mr John Halket, the first provost of Saltcoats.
The mansion house of Ryefield, Dalry, recently acquired by Mr and Mrs William Gardiner, and occupied on Tuesday by Mr and Mrs Gardiner, was discovered that night to be on fire. The fire was extinguished without much damage being done.
Kilbirnie Churches' football team visited Kilwinning and beat Auchenharvie Rangers 4-1 in the gold competition.
Last night the Rev Matthew Miller was ordained and inducted to Stevenston United free Church.
The bazaar in aid of Temperance Institute for Stevenston realised £552.
June 28, 1901
The last of the old thatched houses in new Street, Stevenston, was demolished this week. It was known as "The Cooper's House".
Mr ES Wilson, headmaster of Saltcoats Public School yesterday attained his semi-jubilee as a member of that school.
The danger notice board to be erected at the top of Baillie's Brae, West Kilbride, for the benefit of cyclists is to hand and will be in place soon.
Mr John Sim, 4 Front Row, Bensley, competed first in Kilwinning Flower Show in 1896 and during the five years has won 117 prizes.
July 5, 1901
Gunner Charles Durnan, RA, who has lost his life in a gun accident at Newport, Isle of Wight was a son of Mr and Mrs Edward Durnan, Saltcoats. The Minstrels on South Beach, Ardrossan, lost their stage one night recently. It had disappeared in the morning.
The Dux boy of Ardrossan Academy was George Stevenson, Saltcoats. Winners of Mr Hogarth's prizes were James MacMillan, Edward Taylor and H McE Linton.
Mr G Lammie, Sharon Street, Dalry, gained an under manager's certificate at the recent mining managers' examination.
The property at the head of Main Street, Kilwinning, belonging to Messrs Kenneth has been purchased by the Co-op Society for £450.
July 12, 1901
Seven steamers will carry passengers from Ardrossan to Belfast today (Glasgow Fair friday) - two in the morning and five at night.
West Kilbride is sending at present from 100 to 120 tons of "tatties" by rail each day.
The new bakery at Shiskine is proving a decided success. The bread is giving such satisfaction that the supply from other localities has ceased.
Irish labour was brought from Belfast to the Beith Tanneries as a result of Beith men going on strike. Most of the Irishmen refused to start on learning the situation.
Sergeant Seaton, Corporal Wilson and Troopers Rodger and Moir, Irvine members of the Ayrshire Imperial Yeomanry returned from active service in South Africa, were entertained to dinner in the Eglinton Arms Hotel, Irvine, by a number of friends on Tuesday evening. Mr J Davidson jnr presided.
July 18, 1901
The workshop of Mr D Reside, cabinet maker was burned down. Contents of the store on the ground floor belonging to Mr JK Young were also burned and Mr Black's bakehouse had a narrow escape.
Mr John Ross, for many years assistant to Bowie & Co of Saltcoats and Ardrossan, gained the Pharmaceutical Society's certificate as chemist and druggist.
On Tuesday at Blackwaterfoot on Arran, a bather, Mr John Dick from the Airdrie District, went to the assistance of a man who was calling for help but he was caught in the swirl of the water and was drowned.
A cyclists' fancy dress parade on a big scale took place in Kilbirnie on Saturday, in aid of the nursing association. Mr M Walker, treasurer, won the prize for the best dressed cycle and Miss Nelly S White, Institute Building was second.
James Cummings jnr, a youth employed as an assistant chemist at Glengarnock Iron works was fatally injured at the works on last Friday night.
July 26, 1901
Flags were flying in Ardrossan on Monday in honour of Lady Edith Montgomerie, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Eglinton who on that day was married to Colonel Trotter.
Early on Wednesday morning while Mr Munn, carriage hirer, Dalry, was sleeping in his bedroom, some person entered the room and took away his trousers. In one of the pockets of was a sum of more than £9. The thief escaped.
August 2, 1901
Colonel Frederick Gordon Blair of Blair, Dalry, received an enthusiastic welcome home from South Africa on Tuesday night.
Ardeer Thistle FC have appointed Mr William Anderson president; Mr George Chalmers vice-president; Mr David McWhinnie match secretary; Mr Alex McAdam financial secretary; Mr James Reid treasurer.
Mr James Moyles, Ardrossan Post Office, has been appointed postmaster at Portree.
William Law, Jubilee Buildings, Kilbirnie won the bowling championship of Ayrshire.
August 9, 1901
On Sunday night the bakehouse of Messrs T&B Oliver, West Kilbride, was destroyed by fire.
Mrs Cree, a native of Kyleshill, Saltcoats, who is living at Hayocks Farm, Stevenston, has entered her 100th year. he father, Robert McKillop, had a smithy in Nineyard, occupying part of the site now occupied by the Mission Coast Home, and her late husband, Mr James Cree, was a shoemaker in Bradshaw Street and later in Dockhead Street. Mrs Cree remembers the celebrations in Saltcoats for the victory of the Battle of Waterloo.
Mr RBH McNab, a son of Saltcoats Parish manse, has been appointed manager of the Glasgow branch of the Scottish County and Mercantile Insurance Company.
Sergeant R Marshall and Corporal James Kerr arrived home in Beith from South Africa yesterday.
August 16, 1901
Constable peter Gammie, Edinburgh, and formerly stationed at Stevenston, pluckily stopped a runaway horse attached to a cart in Edinburgh. he seized the reins, caught hold of one of the shafts, swung himself on the back of the galloping horse and eventually brought the runaway to a standstill.
In connection with a complaint at Ardrossan Town Council about delays caused by the closing of the gates at the Princes Street level crossing, a councillor mentioned that on Glasgow fair Saturday, he was kept waiting in a vehicle for 17 minutes.
A new roadway is to be constructed from Boglemart Street, Stevenston through the Glebe Lands (the Riggs) up to the High Road near Mayville.
Mr William law, Kilbirnie, won the Scottish Bowling Championship at Glasgow on Saturday.
A branch of the National Bank of Scotland Ltd was opened in Dalry last week under the joint agency of Mr JM McCosh and Mr John Lusk, solicitors.
August 23, 1901
Early on Friday morning a fire took place in the premises in Glasgow Street, Ardrossan, used as a printing office by Mr John Cran. The printing office and plant were destroyed.
Plans by Mr James Miller, builder, were passed at Saltcoats Dean of Guild Court for the erection of tenements facing the new part of Stanley Road.
The employees of Scottish Acid and Alkali Works, near Stevenston and Kilwinning made a presentation to Mr RH Steedman, managing director, and Mrs Steedman on the occasion of their silver wedding.
A new football club in Glengarnock, named the Vale of Garnock Strollers have been formed. Mr W Vann is secretary and Messrs F Fraser, W Black, W Vann, W McKelvie and A McGookin comprise the committee. Kilwinning Rangers have placed their field at the new club's disposal until they secure a ground.
August 30, 1901
Landsburgh (sic) Landsborough United Free Church, Saltcoats, has applied for a grant to provide a paid agent or missionary in the Auchenharvie Row district in which there are about 350 families representing 4000 persons.
Miss Margaret Boyd, who died on Friday in her 90th year, was the oldest native of Ardrossan resident in the town. She was one of a family remarkable for longevity, the combined ages of six members being 486. an average of 81 years.
Peter Craig, who kept the gates at the Canal Street railway level crossing, Saltcoats, was killed by a goods train on Saturday night.
Kilbirnie masons are on strike for a wage of 9p per hour.
Mr James Templeton, builder, has feued ground at Holmland, Kilbirnie, west of Holmhead Villa, for the purpose of erecting tenements of three stories.
September 13, 1901
Mr George G Turnbull, Ardrossan Academy, has passed the final examination of the City of Guilds of London as manual instructor of woodwork.
At a Glasgow exhibition, Mr James Patrick, baker, Stevenston, won prizes for rolls and second for pan loaves.
A new curling pond is being made at Dykes Farm, Kilbirnie, for the Dykes Curling Club.
Mr William Frew has gone to Troon from Ardrossan as traffic manager at Troon Harbour.
September 20, 1901
Saltcoats Seaside Rangers FC have had to "shut shop" for want of a suitable playing pitch.
Lance Corporal George Higgins, South African Imperial Light Horse, was given a cordial reception in Beith on his return home from the front.
A branch of the Co-operative Women's Guild has been formed in Kilbirnie.
The cup presented to Ardrossan Cycling Club by George O Baird has been won by Mr David McDowall for the second year in succession.
September 27, 1901
In connection with the assassination of President McKinley of the United States, an in memoriam service was held in Stevenston Church.
Mr G Higgins, who recently arrived home to Beith from South Africa, has been appointed traveller with his father's and partners' firm, Messrs Stevenson, Higgins & Co, Janefield, Beith.
Mr M Pollock has purchased the old Victorian Cabinet Works building, Beith. It is proposed to extend the Caledonian Works to these premises.
October 4, 1901
Mr Gilmour, station master, Saltcoats, has been appointed head of the Parcel Department, St Enoch Station, Glasgow.
Ardrossan School Board have sanctioned the formation of a cadet Corps in Ardrossan Academy.
Next year is the diamond jubilee of the Ardrossan Bowling Club, and the committee mean to begin celebrations early as they have decided to play bowls on Ne'erday, provided the weather is suitable.
Mr Robert Dunlop, Myrtlebank, Beith, has been appointed assistant purser on the "City of Rome". another Beith man, Mr John Hutton, son of Mr George Hunter, Kilwinning, is assistant purser in the first cabin of the Cunard liner "Luciana."
October 11, 1901
Beith men who had returned from the South African front were honoured at a public meeting. There was a torchlight procession from the Armoury to the hall in New Street. The Rev G Sutherland presided and Colonel Faulds made presentations to the men and to friends of those still at the front. Troopers Higgins and Marshall replied for the men.
Mr William Brown who fro 36 years has been a postman in Ardrossan, retired last Saturday.
Mr Frank Smith, BSc of Ardrossan, has been appointed Government Inspector of Mines, NWT, Canada.
Dr Wilson, Ardrossan, left on Saturday to take up a large practice in Gateshead-on-Tyne.
October 18, 1901
At the Stropshill Ironstone Pit on Wednesday night, two brothers, James Kilpatrick and George Kilpatrick, Courthill Street, Dalry, were killed in an accident while at work on the cage in the shank.
Mr WK Gillies, MA (Hons Oxon and Glasgow), who is a native of Gateside, Beith, has been appointed classical master of Perth Academy at a salary of £250 per annum.
Mr Robert Aird, Gladstone Road, Saltcoats, has grown a potato weighing 2lbs and measuring 9 1/4 ins in length 10 1/2 ins in circumference.
Miss Agnes Alexander has been appointed postmistress at Dalry Post Office in room of her father who until his death was postmaster. Dissatisfaction is expressed on account of the fact that the status of Dalry office has been reduced to that of sub office under Johnstone.
October 25, 1901
The fund raised on behalf of the lads who drowned off Ardrossan Harbour totals £64 4s 4d.
Mr Caldwell Ardrossan, who has been organist in Park Free Church, Ardrossan, for several years has received a similar appointment in St Meddans's UF Church, Troon.
Stevenston Liberals' new club rooms were opened on Tuesday evening by Mr Alexander Williamson, who tested the constituency at the last election.
A total of £36 16/- has been subscribed by various friends as a token of sympathy with Mr Thomas Oliver, baker, West Kilbride, in the loss he sustained through the recent fire in his premises.
Old Andrew McCairney, the last of the handloom weavers in the Kilwinning district, died on Wednesday.
November 1, 1901
A comment we overheard this week: "The streets of Stevenston were not made, they are the droppings from the coal carts."
The Glencairn Golf Club, Stevenston, has been dissolved.
Mr John Guy, Pueblo, Colorado, USA, is on a visit to his native town of Beith.
Mr Henry Smith, Woodside, Kilwinning, was very successful with his pigeons at the London Dairy Farmers' Society Show.
Voters on the Saltcoats roll now number 2063. The number on the roll at the second municipal election in 1886 was 971.
The licensing Court granted an application to Mr Andrew Leckie for a public house licence for premises in Princes Street, Ardrossan.
November 8, 1901
A railway surfaceman named James Poland received fatal injuries when he was knocked down by the Arran express when at work on the G and SW line between the harbour and Ardrossan station.
At the Stevenston bowlers' supper, Mr M Gilmour, who has given more than 30 years service as treasurer, was presented with a handsome tray. Mr James Crawford who made the presentation, said the club was formed in 1863 and Mr Gilmour joined in 1869.
Municipal polling resulted in the following being elected: Ardrossan - Messrs JR Smith, Archibald Crawford,, Lewis Porter, and James Goodwin. Saltcoats - Messrs Donaldson, Whyte and Ross.
Ardrossan Co-op Society's last cash drawings for the quarter were £8558 and the dividend declared was 3/-.
November 15, 1891
Intimation is made that Nobel Explosives Company Ltd are applying for a provisional order to empower the company to make and maintain water works and other works. Among the proposals is the construction of a reservoir in the parishes of
Ardrossan and Stevenston on the line of the stream known as the Glen Burn.
Mr Frank AP Bennett has resigned from Ardrossan Town Council.
A new hall for South Beach Church, Saltcoats, was opened on Tuesday evening.
Mr John Smith, ex-postmaster, Beith, died last Thursday at the age of 73.
At the Blairgowrie violin competition, Mr Robert Shaw, tailor, Kilbirnie, won a silver medal for plying slow airs.
The workmen's morning bell in West Kilbride will be rung at 6.40am until further notice.
November 22, 1901
The town bell was rung in Saltcoats on Wednesday night when four "Tommies" came marching home.
A new French net-weaving machine installed at John Watt & Co, Kilbirnie, is producing three times the number of nets than an old time Scotch loom could do. W&J Knox Ltd are also installing one of the machines.
Mr D Tait jnr and Mr A Savage were leaders in a debate at the Dalry literary Society meeting.
The male members of the cast in the Glengarnock and Kilbirnie Amateur Dramatic and Musical Association's presentation of The Colleen Bawn were: Messrs Andrew McClure, Robert MacArthur, Frank Fraser, William Logan, James Kerr, Harry McEwan, John Fotheringham, Daniel Cochrane and Matthew Mackie.
November 29. 1901
Mr James Tyre, draper, Ardrossan, died on Wednesday at the age of 87 years. He was a native of West Kilbride and started business in Ardrossan about 1844 in premises where the station now stands, afterwards moving to Princes Street.
On Sunday, the Rev George Sharpe, whom the EU Congregational Church, Ardrossan, had called from Chaterugay, new York, was inducted to the charge.
Mr John Houston, Kilwinning, has been promoted to the stationmastership at Glengarnock.
Mr McMath, Caledonian railway, Stevenston, has been promoted to Langloan Station.
Mr Robert Stirrat spoke to Saltcoats Literary Society on "conscription". All the members who took part in the discussion were against conscription.
December 6, 1901
While engaged in pastoral visitations, the Rev J Drummond Taylor, Trinity Church, Saltcoats, was seized with a sudden illness and died shortly afterwards in the house of Mr Stirrat, Sidney Street, Saltcoats. Mr Taylor had been minister of Trinity for over 12 years.
Mr Robert Adams has been appointed organist to Park Church, Ardrossan.
In the Landward election, Kilwinning, the following were returned: James Black, James Brown, John Reid, George Black, James Walker, William steel, Tom Pirrie and JT Howat.
In the Glasgow Weaving College Mr William Deans, son of Mr deans, Vennel Street, Dalry, has gained the silver medal for Home Exercises in the senior class and his diploma as a student of the college.
Mr William Reid, son of Mr W Reid, Ardrossan, and a native of Beith, leaves tomorrow for an appointment in Kimberley Mines.
December 13, 1901
Ardrossan Town Council have agreed, in conformity with the wishes of many of the residents in Eglinton Street to have the name altered to Eglinton Road. The reason for the change was stated to be that it was easier to sell houses which located in a "road" than in a "street" and it was better for summer letting.
On Wednesday the funeral took place at Stevenston cemetery of Mr Archibald Scott, who for many years conducted a saddlery business in Saltcoats.
On Friday night some men, or youths, tore down or smashed the goalposts and barricades on Winton Rovers pitch, Ardrossan.
The Rev James Kennedy, Lamlash has been called to Grant Street congregation, Glasgow.
Ardrossan Town Council have decided to proceed with the erection of gasworks.
December 20, 1901
Mr Andrew leckie, Ardrossan, who died on Saturday, came from a good old Saltcoats family. He was a musician of ability and the pioneering organist in the district. In the early 1870s he constructed a pipe organ purely with his own hands, and this instrument he fixed up in the EU Church.
On Friday evening the new St Mary's League of the Cross Hall in Union Street, Saltcoats was opened. it was built at a cost of £3000. Father Ryan presided and the opening ceremony was performed by the very Rev Canon Macluskey, St John's, Glasgow.
Mr William Reid is to be headmaster of the new Ardeer School with a salary of £160.
Kilbirnie Ladeside FC's new ground. Ladeside Field, Mill Road, was opened on Saturday with a match between Ladeside and Dalry Athletic. Mr Frank Watt, Firbank, kicked-off before a large gathering of spectators. Dalry won 4-0; the scorers, Young (2), Torrance (2), Kilbirnie team was:- J Miller; H Purdie, John McDonald, H Ross, J Watt, James Love, D Marshall, John Reid, R Barday, J Connelly, James Ronnie.
December 27 1901
W Rashbury's ? company will present "The Executioner's Daughter" at the Town Hall, Saltcoats on Saturday. The mechanical effects include a guillotine.
Mr John Edwards, MA, science master, Ardrossan Academy, has added the degree BSc of London University to the list of his qualifications.
The South African Servicemen of E Company VBASF were entertained to supper by Mr John Dunkeld, Saracen Hotel, Saltcoats, Mr James Ramsay presided and Mr Dunkeld presented each of the men with a neat scarf and pin.
Constable Mellwrick, Kilbirnie, has been promoted to Sergeant and transferred to take charge of Prestwick section in place of Sergeant Wattie, superannuated. Constable Cairns, Stevenston, goes to Kilbirnie and constable Lindsay, Crosshill, to Stevenston.
The new Liberal Club in Mitchell Street, Beith was opened on Saturday by Mr RW Knox, of Moorpark, Kilbirnie, Mr WW Melville presided at the ceremony.